I'm upset with myself...>.>

What's wrong with me! I've been doing the exact thing I DIDN'T want to do...

I was trying to ONLY draw and make finished pieces in SAI, but what do I do? I keep messing up my pictures with photoshop...Why can't I just be satisfied and get it over with?

I'm trying to work on a colouring style that I can stick with...but it's killing me...>.> I have to COMPLETELY ignore photoshop, as I do not like it. Some may like it, but he hates me and I hate it.

Why do I hate it? Because every time I draw something on there or colour something it always ends up looking all choppy and plastic-y...I know there are ways to avoid that, but they take up too much time and hard work. While with SAI I get sooo excited whenever I used the blur tool! XD i may use it too much...

My dad gave me his headphones...and I've been wearing them...but they're strange because the two headphone things are connected...but they're like earphones and they go behind your head instead of over your head...so it's straightening my head...and so when I take them off my head hurts LIKE CRAZY! But I like listening to music...but it's sooo painful...So I'm gonna look for new headphones tomorrow...TT^TT Owwie...they hurt right now...TT^TT And they're digging into my ears...

You could use those headphones like a head brace! My head's really straight..and so is my posture...kinda...

I'm excited for next weekend!! ^ ^ ANIME CONVENTION!!! WOOOOTTT!! I wanna meet Spike Spencer soooo badly...but I kinda fear that he's not gonna be there because I just checked at the site and at the schedule thing and I couldn't find anything with Spike Spencer in it...so maybe he'll be there, just not doing anything...like at that last Anime Convention, the guests were just walking around and we bumped into them several times...

First time was when we were walking around and one of them ran up to us and started yelling for somebody (we thought he was talking to us, but there were people REALLLY far away from us that he was yelling to). And then with a different guest we walked into the shop place thing and I accidentally bumped into him...XD And then my friend tells me that that was one of the guests and I was like 'Omigosh! He has ugly hair, doesn't he!'...O.o And then some other times...Oh...and I dunno if I already to you this, but he doesn't hurt to refresh our memories. Well, I was gonna commission something for the first time and I wasn't sure how to do it so I was VERY nervous and the guy sitting next to the girl I was going to commission stuff for was a guest and he was SOOO RUDE! I wasn't even talking to him and he kept calling me a yaoi fan just because I was nervous...NO, I'M NOT A YAOI FAN! Now...maybe a shounen-ai fan...to an extent, but not a yaoi fan...That's like hentai...which is why I don't get how people could like that stuff...O.o

'nyways...there's gonna be Q&A with ze visual kei band Quaff...and I'm afraid of them...O.o One of those visual kei bands I'm afraid of liiikkke...D...O.o Omigosh! THEY'RE A TERRIBLE BAND AND THEY'RE SCARY LOOKING!! TT^TT Unless I'm thinking of the wrong one...well, there was one that had a REALLY awesome PVs...but their music was bad, the main singer's voice was SOOOO deep and he looked like an ugly woman, and everyone was ugly...TT^TT

I dunno what I'd ask them. 'What's your favourite colour?' Nuuu...that's too simple...What's something that I've always wanted to know from a visual kei band...'How much do your clothes cost?'...ermmm...sounds a bit weird...What about 'What's your favourite band(s)?'...they might say something that I've NEVER EVER heard of, though...TT^TT

This killzz me...I need to think of something good...I get really sad when I think about Q&A's at anime conventions...because I missed AAA's performance (which would've been impossible to go to anyways), Aural Vampire's, HANGRY&ANGRY's, and Morning Musume's....TT^TT Darn it...

Wait a minute...Kra hasn't come to America, yet, have they? Well, I still have that chance...Let's list bands that I like that haven't come to America yet:

Alan Dawa Dolma
Maki Goto
Daichi Miura
Yo Hitoto

Ermmm...that's all I think of of bands I'd like to meet...What would I if I met them...O.o

Kra- Faint, or my face would turn so red that I'd get my first nose bleed without hitting something
SuG- Probably have a blood red face the entire time, but would not get a nose bleed, but be laughing the entire time (because they're hilarious)
Alan- I'd probably jump outta my pants in happiness and be so loving and say how much I love her and respect her and stuff...XD
Maki Goto- I would be very serious and respecting to her, but inside I want to burst and attack her with glomping
Daichi Miura- I'd probably give him a TON of presents...O.o And be like a secret far away body guard...like 'You do not touch his perfectness!!' And go all ninja...XD
NEWS- Well, along with several other girls I'd imagine, would be blood red...and if Yuya Tegoshi and I just SLIGHTLY look at each other at the same time (which seems to happen to me with EVERYONE...and some more than others...O.o) I would probably die...or faint...or...stay there frozen for a while
Yo Hitoto- Probably would give her a bunch of gifts, too, and be VERY respectable towards her.

Wait a minute...has Gackt come to America, yet? Well, if I were to meet him...in person face to face...not in an anime convention (because I probably won't see him with all the people in the way) I'd probably be INCREDIBLY nervous and be shaking the entire time and say 'Gackt-sama, you have always been the model for my greatest of characters' Because he HAS been...My friend thought my favourite singer was Gackt because I was always talking about him and seemed obsessed, but he isn't. I just love my character Kiyoshi and he's obsessed with Gackt so I have to know more about Gackt and Gackt is so entertaining! XD

Me favourite singer is Maki Goto, not Gackt...

Oi....what if Berryz Koubou came? I'd ignore all the members except for Momoko and Saki, which I usually do...and I'd do the same thing I would do with Alan except say how great a dancer Saki is a million times.

And in the fantasy anime convention, I'd like to cosplay Ciel because he has very pretty hair and I think I can do it! >:) I just don't have enough time to do it, but if my friends and I make an anime club next year, then I MIGHT be able to! ^ ^

Okay...I should go to be now...XD I haven't even done my homework yet! XD
