Wow, I'm really not very social, am I? I should be sending my friends gifts on their birthdays, drawing pictures for them on their birthdays, giving random gifts to people, commenting on more people's artwork, and drawing more friendly pictures.
But, no, I don't do any of that. I tried for about 2 days, but then I got lazy. I should really be more into this community.
All I do is post random posts on this world, comment on SOME friend's works, and reply to comments on my works, and go through all the fanart per day and vote on each artwork (if I like it and it doesn't seem like spam).
I don't think that's enough. Same goes for my other accounts, DA and MB...I dunno, something about them just doesn't make me want to talk to anybody. Maybe the fact that there are so many people who don't speak English...and I'm not sure what language they speak so I can't communicate with them...>.> Most of the time it's Chinese (which I TOTALLY don't know). And DA is too big for me to figure out HOW to talk to people...There are too many's just too big for me...
And since I've been on here for years, why not actually talk to more people instead of not doing anything?
Well, besides that! I've got some bands that I've been listening to (visual kei).
Bad quality, sorry. This band is called 176BIZ. Surprisingly, I can remember this name but not SF-A2 Miki...O.o (Not that I didn't remember it now, it just took me months to remember Miki's full name). I like the singer's voice and the songs are very catchy and they all look very good, so there's a win there! ^ ^
Kagrra! I LOOOOVVVEEE KAGRRA!! I mean, they aren't any Alice Nine (looks wise), but they rule at music! All of their songs are so catchy and the singer has a BEAUTIFUL voice like a perfected version of Keiyuu's.
This is v(NEU). I like the singer's voice...that's actually about it. I guess they kinda look cool...and SOME of their songs are catchy...I don't love them. They're not the best band, but they're pretty good.
And The Kiddie. I like this band a lot, also! It just all mixes together to make a good sounding band, and they don't really sound like every Visual Kei band...I mean, they DO, but the way they play their music, the way the guy sings, is different from what you usually hear. Also, the singer, he has his own kind of look. Usual the singer is either really cool, or really shota, but he's in the middle...O.o So I find that to be cool. (Maya is actually the same as him, and he kinda reminds me of Maya) He also has lots of eye lid piercings like Takeru...O.O;
Oh, yeah, I have like a Maya obsession or something. Not like a squealing fan girl kind of thing...more like...I HAVE to look at a picture of him, I HAVE to watch a video with him in it...And I HAVE to pay attention to him. I was watching this one video with all these visual kei singers there and Maya was there and most of my concentration was on Maya...then on Shou...then on the main singer of Plastic Tree (because they kept asking him questions and I was thinking that he looks better when he's not in a music video....O.o). So, yep. Maya is awesome.
I haven't gotten to Plastic Tree, yet, though it's on my list. Those four are just the ones I like the most and I keep listening to. The others on my list I'm somewhat hesitant to. Like MUCC, I'm thinking of taking that off because they kinda scare me and I don't like being scared.
Look at Plastic Tree:
Now look at MUCC:
So, for MUCC the only scary looking person is the main singer, which is REALLY hard to watch in videos since usually the main singer has more close-ups...TT^TT
Oh! My rules for good bands are:
Must look Nice
Must sing well
Must have catchy songs
Must dance really well
See, they must look nice, if they don't then I'll go with good sounding voices, if they don't have that then I go with how catchy their songs are, if they don't have that, if they dance they must dance well, if that don't have that I'm skipping them. Though, there are exceptions. Like if a band sings well and has good songs...but they look scary I will skip them and never look back. So this is how I eliminated most of the bands on my list.
For instance, I just now eliminated Inoue Joe, just realized I don't like his music at all. He's ugly, he speaks English too much, only one song is catchy, and he's not a very good dancer. So, he failed.
There's some other band that isn't visual kei, but it's really good:
The KINDA look creepy, but their music makes up for it! They're called metronome. I don't have anymore room for youtube videos, though...soo.....Yeah, you can go look it up yourself on youtube.
I think I'm done here. I completely went off track...>.>