Finding the Perfect Face...

I've been looking for somebody with the perfect face that I kept imagining whenever I saw the poor quality preview picture for each band I looked up on youtube. I kept imagining this one guy with straight, short, pale, black hair with face proportions PERFECT. But I never found one close enough...UNTIL I saw a picture of this kid (now an adult, so he is no longer perfect anymore):

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And a video for a better look. Yes, ALMOST perfect, ALMOST. Except the shape of his face is weird, and his eyes look weird, too. So he didn't make it to my finalists. No actually, I have no finalists or an actual winner...XD Nobody is perfect, oh well.

But...then I found the one person who got the closest to perfect (in the kind that I'm looking for):

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I thought this picture was fake. Like it was either drawn or HEAVILY edited, until I found more awesome pictures:

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What are his faults? Hrmmm...his eyes are a bit weird (who really cares about eyes?)...and....that's all I can think of. Maybe that he's a bit too old or something. Besides that, he's beautiful. Like Masato, Takeru, and Maya! <333 No, I'm just kidding about him being like them, they're from completely different genres and look completely different.

The TRUE reason (I think, I can't remember if I have already said this and I don't feel like going back and reading what I already put...XD) is that I think I finally decided on a look for Kiyoshi. The perfect look. Where his face is completely symmetrical, his eyes are the perfect blue, and his hair always looks great. I know, perfect is boring or something, it's not boring when the perfect people crack and start becoming not so perfect...>:D I have a devilish plot unfolding...

No, it's not really devilish. Just basically how he gets overly emotional over...some things...and starts lowering his hygene and not combing his hair (which for some people turns out to work out really well, but he's not one of these people), or washing his hair, or shaving (well, he actually doesn't really need to shave...yet...he's a late starter), or eating...just little things like that. Nothing big and gross like not taking a shower or putting on deodorant or something...Actually, those are really big things, they're just disgusting. He's not that gross! XD

Yep. I love it when perfect people crack. It teaches them a lesson to not be so perfect and that EVERYONE makes mistakes. Le gasp! I have a manga with a moral! No, it's not supposed to have a moral...that just happened...The story is not about Kiyoshi (well, not EXACTLY about him) it's about entertainment and relationships with other celebrity/singers in their record. So in a way it's somewhat slice-of-life manga...'cept...not everyone is a celebrity...soooo...

Well, time to go watch those videos I keep forgetting to do. I'm really out of it today, I forgot to put on a second coat of nail polish...or a third coat...and I forgot my rubber bands (which I no longer need...rubber bands for my mouth to straighten the jaw), and I walked right past the cinnamon rolls which were the ONLY things that I would actually agree to call for breakfast (I'm not going to eat that disgusting rice granola stuff my mom takes like honey mustard coated puff's disgusting). And I DO have a cold, so that may be the reason...

Okay, bye now! TT^TT
