Ohhh yeh, baybeh!

Sorry, listening to this;

Kinda gets to ya mentally! XD

I bought King of Fighters '95....which is TOO OLD FOR ME! Hah, just realized that was the year I was born...So I don't really mean too old...like older than me...But as in...MY FAVOURITE ALL TIME CHARACTERS AREN'T IT!! TT^TT Of course, I like Athena, and King, and Kyo, and Iori, and Benimaru...but...I'm not good at all with them.

No, wait, I'm only good with Athena. ONLY GOOD WITH ATHENA. I only won ONE game with ONLY Athena and nobody else who I tried...

But, besides Athena, I'm only good as Ash...TT^TT Dunno why...>.> But I like that because I'd like to be good as the character that I love to death! >:) I like everything about Ash! Except that he's REALLY easy to draw wrong...and make him look ugly. You have to draw him really thin because that's what his sprite looks...Well, not super thing, but his face is thin, and he's thinner than most of the other characters and not so bulgy with muscles.

Wow...my cat is calling me...I should hurry this up already...Okay! GOTTA GO!
