Boooshh...The Mighty Boosh again! :D

Haven't I already posted a post called 'Boooshhh...the Might Boosh' XD Well...I go 'Boooshhh' a lot...and I always think of that title whenever I type it out...XD

I read all of Diamond didn't like it....And now I'm debating if I should buy it. 'cause I was waiting for certain things to happen, they never did, so now I'm mad and it....and I think back to the beginning...wasn't all that good...and the ending was a disappointment, so rereading the beginning will just make me mad...>.>

Ahh, because of the last post and all those pictures I tried to max it out, see how much was the max, so I agreed with imouto chan that I should try to see how much it'll take to max it out. But I don't know what to do it over, but I'll do it some time in the post! XD

Oh! And this is why I love SuG:

I like where Yuji does the teleportation to different rooms! XD Of course there is a number two, so I'll post that one, too, because there is more funniness to come:

Takeru is a good actor! XD I like how he can act things out and then keep a straight face afterwards like nothing happened...O.o're so wonderful~! :D

They make me happy in very many ways! ^ ^

Hrmm...what should I post picture of? What should I post pictures of? Hrmmm....

Oh! Oh! I got a picture of my eye and I looked at the colour on photoshop and my eyes are turqoise! O.O

They don't look like turqoise at all, do they? But I went all over my eye and I kept getting turqoise, as dark as it is. I mean, of course, it's a dark turqoise-y grey, but I mean, it was in the turqoise area...O.O

Haha, I find that picture to be funny because my eyes are usually wide open, not half closed like that...It's hard to take a picture of your's very scary...TT^TT

Ahhh...I can't think of anything...I'll just post pictures of pretty pictures...that I found on! XD

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PIIIINK!!! Hehe, pink~! :D I like pink! ^ ^ I like their clothes, not just in this picture, but in most of their pictures. I dunno, something just attracts me to their clothes. I like the girl with the short hair's hair. I always like people with short hair! XD I wonder if I should dye my hair a bright colour like that...O.o I've always wanted to, but at the same time I've always wanted to dye my hair a pinkish reddish colour...It'd look really cool for my hair to grow out with a light hair colour because then it looks like I dyed it in a style! XD Like when the roots come out 'n stuff. That way I can also have light tips...But I doubt my mom would let me do that...

Wow, I just started rambling! XD

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Why're you so cute!? Darn you! X3 She looks cute, but her music isn't very cute...I mean, not that it's scary or anything, it just doesn't sound THAT cute like this picture. XD

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I like Rurutia's least some of them...O.o Some of them look really cheesy and crappy, but this one is probably her best. They're all inspirational and kinda abstract...O.O

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I...I've never actually seen a picture of ViViD...I don't even remember who they are...O.o I mean, I've seen some PV and making of of them...but I don't remember...hrmmm...I like the background in this picture! It makes the picture look even cooler! :D

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Doesn't this make you want to have some kind of melon? Like a watermelon or something? I want some fruiiittt! TT^TT Plus their name, Orange Caramel, doesn't that make you want to have fruit even more?

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I like her hair and her hat! X3 But the effects are cheap...>3> I don't particularly like her dress, either, but I like this picture anyways. Just the overall effect.

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Yet another visual kei band that I listen to very often, but have never actually seen a picture of...O.o I watched a lot of making ofs for visual kei bands...but I can't remember who was who. I'm looking for the guy who crossed his legs while wearing REALLY short pants...I'm scarred for life...TT^TT XD

The guy who looks like he's the singer looks kinda like an American pretty boy...or whiny boy...Something about his face makes me think of him being a jock and on an American football team in highschool...XD

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Ayabie! :D This is a band I've seen A LOT, but I only listen to one of their the opposite of the other guys...XD I listen to a lot of their music, yet rarely see them...XD

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Here's another one of those bands I've been talking about, but I've seen these guys more than once. I've watched that 'Cyclone' PV a that I can tell what kind of singer the main singer is...and a few making ofs...Haha, in one of theirs they were all back stage playing video games! XD Like with .heidi, funny thing with .heidi was that the only person who was doing anything was the main singer and the rest of them were just playing video games in the make-up room (or whatever you'd call it)...XD

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Ahhh Kurada Daichi, you're so pretty...Ito Kenichi isn't that bad either...O.o

ExoChika!!!!! YOU'RE SOOOO PRETTY! TT^TT I love what she's wearing in this picture...O.O

I've never seen any of their PVs...but I know what they look like? How strange is that? XD

The following will all be 176BIZ, why? Because they look totally awesome!!

They're all good looking, they have awesome fashion, they have awesome songs, and they're actually a very good band! O.O Quadruple points, mon! 'tis a lot! >:0

I don't know who this is...Who are you, mon? But I'm very curious by this picture...O.O He's in my library for some reason...O.o

Ohhh...I think this may be the bad that scarred me for life...I also think they have I song that scars me...TT^TT But their songs are very catchy, so I'll deal with it! XD

9GOATS BLACK OUT is a VERY good band...Their just wonderful~! ^ ^

Another band, another band...another band that I've never seen before...TT^TT I listen to their music a lot, though...O.o The leader singer has the highest pitched voice I've ever heard from a man in a visual kei group! O.O

She's Japanese and she wouldn't come out beautiful...>.> I bet she was beautiful as a child, too...Gosh, mixed races. I wish I was mixed! TT^TT But, no, I'm completely European...>.> Blehhh...

Well that's it...for me...let's count 'em up...let's also see if there are some that aren't there...if they are...I'll try again tomorrow...>.>

21? Is it 21? I'm pretty bad at counting so it's probably not correct, but it's still a big number...So let's see! >:D
