Joo don' no me...:D

Haha, listening to Miss A's Bad Girl Good Girl. I know why it's so popular, it's because usually songs like that are really dark and intense or something, but the song is so calming and catchy.'s calming and catchy, that's it.

I find it funny when they say 'You don't know me'...XD

I was really happy today~! :D I usually am after Chinese because I keep learning new things about my teacher! X3

Today I learned that she's a Gackt fan! XD I had no clue he was even popular in China. She says she likes some visual kei bands liiike...I dunno...she said she couldn't pronounce their names...TT^TT Apparently visual kei bands ARE popular in China kinda like how they are here, I guess...she says that some people like them and some people don't really like them at all...Or something like that...

She told me because I was drawing a picture of SuG...well...actually just Yuji...but I had a bunch of SuG pictures.

Well, besides that, in art (which is my first period class, before Chinese) I finished my project before everyone else (it's not that good, but I'm a VERY fast worker....O.o) and so for the past...week...O.o My teacher gave me a black board and told me to play around with shading with white charcoal. Actually...more like lighting ('orz) because I use the white charcoal the make parts that are white, white, and I leave parts that are black black...It's hard to explain, but it ends up with the picture looking like how it's supposed to.

I finally figured out how to use it and I drew a picture of Shinpei:

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(not that one, it was part of a group picture...kinda...O.o) And it actually looked like him! ^ ^ But his nose was wrong....not contrasting enough...I kinda went over the nostrils...O.o And then for even more practice I started doing Masato:

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(again, not that picture, it was at a different angle, but he had the same clothes and everything) And I got really emotional while doing it. I mean usually I don't squeal and complain if I do something good or bad...O.o But I didn't want to mess up his pretty face! TT^TT I then I finally got it perfectly, when the bell rang! TT^TT So I've been thinking about it all day....I want to finish the picture and do his hair. I really need to practice doing hair...I'm very confused...

I had a bunch of different pictures of SuG and I drew little bits of some of them, but then I got really confused because...EVERYONE HAS THE SAME HAIR STYLE! O.O They all have their bangs the same way...And I've noticed that they NEVER change their hairstyles, except for Takeru....WHY IS THAT?! They should change their hairstyles every once in a while so it won't seems so strange when they change hairstyles.

Shou from Alice Nine ALWAYS has the same hairdo, but one time I saw a picture of him with a different hairdo and I didn't recognize him AT ALL...O.o So...I think they really need to change things up. I mean, Saga changes his hair ALL THE TIME...sometimes it takes me a while to him out...I sometimes mistake him for Tora...I always look for the one with the big nose...XD Tora's not that big, but it sometimes looks really big...but Saga on the other hand! XD But his nose isn't as big as John Lennon's.

I have a friend at school and everyone calls him 'big nose' which I disagree with (has a big head...XD). His nose is kinda spread's not exactly big...I stare at it a lot (well...not exactly stare, but that's the only thing I look at when I look at him...I find that sad...'orz)...because I don't think it's really that big...O.o I mean, you compare him to Saga and...his nose isn't very big...>.>

But I like people like Saga with big noses. I like noses and since his is bigger it stands out more...though his nose isn't really that pretty...It's kinda like Shinjiro Atae' flattened out at the tip or something...It looks weird...O.o I like Nissy's nose. I wonder if his is real...It seems to perfect...O.O

Oh! XD I strayed from topic! XD After art I drew a picture of Shou and Yuji...and TRIED to draw Takeru...but...he is WAY too hard! I think it's because of his wild expressions...Arggghhh...if I learn how to draw Takeru then I can probably make wild smiles...

Like always, people thought that Alice Nine, SuG, The Kiddie, and LM.C were all girls (especially Shinpei, which I don't blame him, because in some of his pictures, the ones I had, he looks like a girl, but without make-up or anything it does look like a boy...though....a young boy...I wonder how old he is...O.o). I've come to the point where I can tell if it's a boy or a girl, very well, so I get really confused when people tell me that they look like girls. I try really hard to see them as girls, but I don't really see it...But if they look 'cute' then I just go with them looking like girls. I guess if they look cute then they must look like girls...O.o

Anyways, I was so happy about the results of my drawings that I'm more confident about drawing realistic pictures! ^ ^ I just...don't know how to do them on the computer....'orz

I need to figure out some way how I can draw my characters the way I want to...hrmmm...that was the plan. For me to draw pictures of certain bands and people so I can figure out how their faces are shaped and how to do the eyes and everything. I completely ignored those, though....>.> Well, I think I payed attention to my picture with Shou....buuut....hrmmm...

I want to draw a picture of some visual kei band (any) realistically, but with random colours! ^ ^
