
I figured out how to make the expression I had when I watched Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds opening this morning...;n;

I was watching DBZ, realized why I loved it so much ('cause of the ridiculously powerful characters and comedy)...then it ended, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds came on...and I was like 'Oooh, is it gonna be the Japanese opening!?' which if it was then it would've been Kra's Kizuna, and I would've squealed because it's KRA ON MAH TV!! X3 Buuut...nope...it was a VERY VERY terrible English opening...UGGGHHH!! TT^TT I want this song:

Not this crap:

I mean, Kra's song was MADE for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds and the opening was made for that song...it just seems TOTALLY wrong to not have it. I think they should do something about that. About how the two are supposed to be together, and it's illegal to put in your own music and sell that or put it on TV because you just take BILLIONS (totally exaggerating! XD) away from Kra and their company! >:0

I wanna hear my face bands on TV....but NOOOO, 4Kids has to take it all away from us...>.> I didn't even like 4Kids when I was a KID...>3> They butchered everything...

I mean, I liked DBZ (but I don't think the one I watched as a kid was by 4Kids), but...I mean, come on, it's DBZ!

On another note, WIPPIES! >:D YESSS!! I just need to colour some commissions and then I'll be done with them, but then I have other things to do...O.o; like that Shirokuro Kitan picture and a Flapjack picture and a picture of the main character of that story thing (which'll be incredibly hard because he has curly golden hair...I have NO CLUE how to do his hair...but sometimes he has very straight black hair...I want to do both) and something else...>.> A new picture of Necromansters because I'm gonna redo it because of several issues with the picture....it looks ugly...>.>


Um...top right one is actually a Pokemon OC...I was actually just going to draw a quick picture...but then I got bored and I haven't finished it....>.> The one below it is just a picture inspired by Half-Life's new PV and Kaori Mochida's new song Green (both so pretty!).

I want to do a new Necromansters picture with better clothing and better poses and me doing a better job on their faces etc....because I drew ONE good picture of Takeru! :D So that might mean I've improved since I last did that! XD

And I just got a genius idea! O.O I can just look up clothing brands and give each of them their favourite brands based on their personalities 'n stuffs...That way it'll be SOOO much easier to draw their clothes.

Umm...maybe you were thinking that's what my whole thing about clothing brands was last night...'orz I just now realized that I should be doing that with my characters...

I'm gonna try to find some online stores that have Japanese brand clothing.

Oh! Oh! Let me continue that 'most addicted to songs at the time'...or whatever I call it (not currently using MY brain right now...XD):

I totally forgot about this song! O.O I listened to it this morning and my expression was exactly like this: ;w; It made me so happy and touched me and I felt all nostalgic~! ^ ^

I listen to this song...practically everyday...since I was really little...I don't know where I heard it before...probably the same place where I've heard any other song that gives me nostalgia that's not from an anime...O.O I remember I didn't like this song at first, but that happens with a lot of songs I can't stop listening to! XD

This song makes me SOOO happy, but then it makes me sad because then I remember that they disbanded because one of the members took meth...which is REALLY stupid...>.> I don't understand meth users...I mean...I can understand some other drugs, they don't make your life living hell or anything, but meth, meth is....what are the good points of it? What makes it wanted...?...

There was so report of some guy who came in to bust a meth lab, but he accidentally inhaled some of the fumes and had to be immediately hospitalized...

Soooo...why would somebody want to take meth?...

I've had a SuG overload over the past few days...XD I really do like this song I'm always listening to it! I love the PV, too! X3 It's one of my favourite SuG songs. I dunno what my favourite is, though...I rally like 39GalaxyZ and Alterna...hrmmm...I can't decide...

I listen to this song a lot during art...well...actually not on purpose, my mp3 player keeps playing it a lot since it's always on shuffle...O.o; But I do like it! ^ ^ I keep trying to listen to it over and over again (but I can't actually do that)...and I never knew it was by Dolly...actually, I had a feeling it was, but I didn't know it actually was because all of my dolly songs are REALLY quiet and terrible quality and this one didn't even have a name, it was just gibberish...>.> But I figured out what it was called!

Well, that's all that I can think of right now...that I don't remember putting before...

