I finally got a good idea about this whole reading online scans of manga and what I can do so that I'm doing it all legally. You see, I have a VERY VERY VERY long list of manga that I want to read. If I like them, I was planning on reading more, but if I like them, read them all, and it turns out that most of them I can buy right now...then...that'll be a lot of money I have to spend...TT^TT
So I've decided that after I finish my list, I'll go back, read the manga, choose if I like it or not. Stop after the first (or second...second because I might think it's going somewhere and it actually isn't, that and most manga volumes have more than 1 chapter on it) then go and see if I can buy them on amazon, if I can't then I can read more until it comes out (if I want to or not). This way I can have a greater variety of manga in meh collection and all I justified my readings of manga online!
Y'know, they should have it so that the official companies post the first volume of their mangas online for us to read and have VERY good summaries and a VERY LARGE variety of manga to choose from so that first time consumers of these manga know what they're getting and can see if they like it or not instead of wasting money on manga they don't actually like (this has happened to me SEVERAL times...TT^TT).
And for the people who are dying for the next chapters of their favourite manga, I say they do it like itunes or something and allow people to pay like a dollar for each new chapter or something. This was the company and the mangaka both get paid and the consumer is satisfied.
Also, these American companies need to hire more workers!! >:0 There are people without jobs, give them jobs on translating 'n stuff. I mean, you can get people who aren't even experienced in this kind of work working in some way. Just teach them really quickly how to upload stuff or something like that...O.o; Get people who can type, and then people to check their spelling, and then people to upload, and people to write summaries (which they don't even have to be really good at writing summaries because I personally don't like the summaries where they keep you guessing...because I still have no clue what the manga is about, make it direct!).
Okay, okay, I'm done. I don't have anymore to say about that.
By the way, I watched Alice in Wonderland, the Tim Burton version...bleck...My parents liked it, I didn't. I didn't HATE it, I just...thought it ruined the whole Alice in Wonderland thing for me. That wasn't Alice in Wonderland, that was just something completely random. I mean, the book is random and all, but they made up a bunch of things that weren't in the book and wouldn't even fit in the book. The feel of the movie wasn't at all Alice in Wonderland, it wasn't at all magical. None of Tim Burton's movies are magical...>.> I don't like him very much.
But I think Johnny Depp did pretty good as the Mad Hatter. I read lots of reviews for the movie saying that he was the worst part of the movie or something, I thought he was pretteh darn good. But I think that the March Hare should've been more sane because the Mad Hatter is actually more insane than the March Hare...And WHAT THE HECK!? WHERE'S MY BELOVED DORMOUSE?! I mean, yes he/she/it was in there, but not at all the way he/she/it's supposed to be. The Dormouse is supposed to be sleepy all the time and not at all paying attention, but the one in this movie was like Puss in Boots...O.o;
That dog beast thingy...umm...I didn't really like it at all and I don't even think the movie needed it in there....O.o; I mean, it was scary and the way it acted was just like any other beast animal in any other movies, that they're all vicious at first and then they warm up to the main character...
And the dancing part was COMPLETE FAIL!! TT^TT Even my parents thought so...Why was it in there!? And I would've been fine with it if it weren't for the music! UGGGHHHH!! Why!? WHY DID THEY HAVE TO USE THAT KIND OF MUSIC!? It was liiike...break dancing silly music....Actually, the music for the whole thing didn't fit. Where is the violin? The music didn't fit the time period that it was supposed to be set in...
I liked the clothes and the designs of the characters, though, for the most part. But the movie was too much like a blockbuster trying to be a box office hit movie. It had dancing, random comedy, hart warming moments, action moments, the whole package. Which...actually makes it worse as a movie since I could predict what would happen the entire time.
And why is the Jabberwocky so important!? It had nothing to do with the book, I mean, it may be known as one of the greatest nonsense poems that was ever made, but...it's a nonsense poem, it's not supposed to make sense and it's not supposed to have a story behind it...
I want to make an Alice in Wonderland movie that is EXACTLY like the book and filled with nonsense and a magical wonderland feeling to it.
Also...I've been very confused about this for a while...Why is Alice so important? I keep reading manga about how Alice is so important and blah blah blah (though in Are you Alice? I really like how Alice is important it's like it's own kind of story, just that the characters all have titles 'n stuffs like Alice in Wonderland characters)...in the book...she just happened to be some good who randomly came in while the rest of the characters live their lives how they always have. And she may become Queen in Through the Looking Glass, but she still was incredibly important...I mean, it's not like it was her 'destiny' to become Queen, she became Queen because she got to the other side of the chess board, just like the other queens...Then she was kinda important, but that's because she was Queen...O.o;
How come movies can never been just like the books? I can't understand that either...>.> It's VERY easy...
Though, The Green Mile was a LOT like the book. I think it was even better! 'cause there were a bunch of boring and useless parts in there (like the nursing home parts...they were SOOO boring) that they didn't have in the movie, they just kept with the story.
Lord of the Rings wasn't like the book, but they're both really good in their own ways...I guess Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland could be the same way, but I highly respect Lewis Carrol and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (and Through the Looking Glass) and there is a certain feeling that it gives me that I really love, and the same goes for a lot of manga...it's a magical feeling of Wonderland....
I'm done with my rant now~! :D