Character Meme thingy?...O.o;

I'm just gonna choose my favourite male characters because I feel like doing shounen-ai here...that and my favourite female characters are mostly little girls, and favourite male characters are mostly men...and I'm afraid of any pedophilia...O.o;

Choose ten characters from a cartoon/anime/other in random order WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE QUESTIONS FIRST and fill them out.

1. Mello

2. Raiya Hisumi

3. Ash Crimson

4. Helios

5. Light

6. Zelos Wilder

7. Lelouch

8. Pelleas

9. Cain

10. Haar


1) Which would you rather choose, 6/3 or 6/10?

Haha...Zelos and Ash! XD How funny that would'd be VERY hot 'n spicy...buuut....I'd have to choose Zelos and Haar, only because it'd be very hilarious and awkward in an interesting way. Zelos would probably be bothered by how much Haar is sleeping! XD

2) Do you think 7/2 will ever happen?

Hrrmm...maybe Lelouch would be intrigued by Raiya's beauty or something...O.o; I don't know Lelouch's...umm....taste for women...I don't understand all...>.> But Raiya and Lelouch, could MAYBE happen, like a 42% chance...

3) Have you ever read or written 4/5?

No, I don't write fanfics, mon! XD And I doubt it'd work out anyways. It's one who worships a god with one who believes he is god...O.o;

4) 9 and 1 are getting married. How does 8 react?

I doubt he'd realize they're both men! XD Pelleas would probably not care that much and support them, because he's very confused.

5) Write a plot for a 2/10 fic.

It's love at first sight for Haar, who thinks he's a girl, but Raiya isn't exactly sure what to think since he's such a different person than he's used to, but they slowly start to feel something.

6) How would 9 announce to 7 he/she's pregnant, and what would 7 do/say?

Lelouch: I always knew you were a woman...
Cain: The pot calling the kettle black, I see...

7) Does the pairing 1/2 exist? How about 3/5?

Ermm, now way would Mello and Raiya work...they're very different...WAIT! Mello is tall! Then it will work!

Raiya: Please give me piggy backs, Mello~! :3
Mello: Hey! I'm busy, stop annoying me!
Raiya: Ah! But we can have chocolate cake together for tea this afternoon~! X3
Mello: *.*

Annnd DEFINITELY Ash and Light! They could scheme evilly together! >:D They're totally get along!

8) Pretend you're writing a story with this plot: "8 and 2 are about to get married when suddenly 3 admits their feelings for 2. 2 decides to leave 8 and gets married with 3. 8, inconsolable, has an unhappy threesome with 10 and 6 and in the end, finally realizes their true love is and has always been 5." Would anyone read this?

Pelleas and Raiya are about to get married when suddenly Ash admits his feeling for Raiya. Raiya decides to leave Pelleas and gets married with Ash. Pelleas, inconsolable, has an unhappy threesome with Haar and Zelos and in the end, finally realizes his true love is and has always been Sephiran Light.

I would read it! >:D I could totally see Pelleas, Haar, and Zelos in a threesome. And I find it adorable that Raiya and Ash would be together! X3 I can also see Pelleas being in love with Light the entire time because he's always so pure and unsure of himself so he would probably fall in love with him, not knowing what bad things he's done...Interesting...O.O

9) Is 6/7 okay with you or do you wish to kill it with fire?

I...can't imagine it...O.o; Nope, nope, kill it with fire! >:D It's like Leloch and Shirley...kinda...I don't think Lelouch would like a womanizer...

10) 4 takes 2 out on a romantic dinner, and 1 comes and ruins it. Write about that.

Aww! That'd be sooo cuuute~! X3 Welll...I think Helios and Raiya would be together and like eachother, but then Mello would become jealous by this and ruins it, then Raiya realizes that he is also in love with Mello and Helios would apologize to the two and leave, because he didn't LOVE Raiya THAT much, the dinner was his idea originally, but he didn't expect anything to happen, he's just a romantic person, I guess....XD

12) Would 9 and 1 make a good couple?

Nooooooo...Mello and Cain WOULD TOTALLY not make a good couple. Now, Raiya and Cain MAYBE....but they're both too independent and Mello prefers to do things the hard way, and Cain likes to do things the more to himself way...O.o; I don't know how to describe it, but Mello would rather have a bunch of gangsters around and Cain would rather have nobody around so as to not get anyone hurt, I doubt Mello cares about that.

13) Listening to the song "You Belong With Me", write a story for a love triangle with 10/2/8.

Can't do this one 'cause I have no clue what that song is...O.o;

14) Is there such thing as 6/1 or does not compute?

Oooohhh, spicy~! >:D There could possibly be such thing as Zelos and Mello together could work. Zelos would probably think Mello was a girl, and Mello would probably be impressed by his strange intelligence, and since they're both pretty reactive people, then I think they'd work.

15) Would you read/write a 6/3/10 or is it such a bad idea that you want to kill me right now?

Zelos, Ash, and Haar? HOLY CRAP!! That'd be awesome!! O.O Um-um-um--Zelos would be in love with Ash, Ash in love with Haar, and Haar in love with Zelos. Zelos would probably be really loud about it all, Ash would just like to catch glimpses of Haar sleeping (kiss in the sleep, could totally see that from Ash), and Haar would dream about Zelos, but be confused and be embarrassed when seeing him. I think Ash would end up with Zelos after Ash is rejected by Haar and wants revenge on Zelos, but then falls in love in the process and Haar slowly gets over his love for Zelos...O.o;

16) Is 2/9 canon? If it's not, how would you feel if it was?

Actually, yes it IS! It's the only pairing that makes sense here! XD

17) 3 finds 4 lying on the ground, bleeding and unconscious. Write about that.

Sooo...Ash finds Helios lying on the ground, unconscious and bleeding? Well, he'd obviously figure out that he's a priest and be suspicious at first, but he'd end up taking him to the hospital even though he acts like he doesn't want to, deep inside he really does. But Ash leaves the hospital so they never meet up again, but he often thinks about him, and Helios has strange dreams of a man with white hair in red with green flames! O.O

18) Everyone is against 6/1 and want every of its shippers to rot in hell. Y/N?

Hey, I could see that hate in that, but mon, it totally works! >:D

19) 9 walks in on 5 and 3 making out. What does he/she do? Write about that.

Cain...CAIN? I can see Ash and Light making out, actually, but I doubt Cain would care. He'd just walk by them.

20) Rant about the idea of 6 and 9 getting together.

Hrmmm....HRRMMMM....Well, I guess Zelos would hear about Cain and meet him at a party for the richies. Zelos is intrigued by Cain's beauty so he pursues him, but Cain disapproves and keeps trying to figure out ways to leave him, though he is still being very charming. In the end Zelos dies trying to protect Cain from somebody annnnd Cain is haunted by it for the rest of his life. The end~! :D

People keep dying...but y'know, if somebody hangs around Cain, they're usually gonna die...>.> Well, most of them will, there are a few who survive, he can only protect one at a time. And what happened to Riff? I guess Zelos wouldn't let Riff get to Cain...Hrmmm...O.o;


That was strange and hard...>.>
