Self critiquing...O.O

Somebody on MB posted a WIP and most of it had notes and self critiquing on it.

I looked at their finished art and I couldn't find ONE problem with ANY of it! O.O

So maybe we should all try doing self critiquing...and get into the habit of doing that...I think that'd help us improve and get a better finish...maybe I'll do that sometime...O.o;

Oi! I'm coming up with another vocaloid character...>:3 I should really make some more fantastical characters...all of mine are...pretty weird....

I was having a conversation with my friend about what kind of characters we have...he said he has stuff like a blood angel and stuff like that...Well, I think everyone's thought of that (my friends are unoriginal...TT^TT), but he had NO realistic characters at all...and none of mine were fantastical...

The closest thing to a fantastical character I have is that Chinese girl...O.o; and Suzume...or my homeless millionaire guy

And a few doll characters that never got off the ground...But currently I have no actually fantastical characters. I have some that are in FANTASY stories, but they're very realistic...they have normal realistic jobs, have normal lives, are normal human beings, just with out of this world quirks and a different kind of look (oh? Did I just rhyme? :D).

Y'know what...I'm gonna try my best to create some fantasical characters...or something...

Wait, wait, wait...If you look at the kinds of stories I like...Ohhh...this makes sense now! XD I read rather realistic manga...'orz

Well, then, now that it's settled. You won't see me making and elve, dwarf, angel, etc. characters. They're either dolls or strange human things...maybe with some kind of power...

Okay, maybe they are kinda fantastical...O.O;

Sorry, I just rambled on about nothing! XD

I want nachos, but we're having enchiladas for dinner....

Oh, and my dad bought the wrong kind of headphones. They're expensive and crappy...So I'm going to buy my own next time...TT^TT
