I'm in SUCH a Harvest Moon mood. I even took my strategy guide to school and started drawing pictures with chocolate syrup from them (that's what we were doing in art! :D).
Ummm...yes...I have a strategy guide...I don't really need it...buuuut I like looking at the pictures in my spare time. And it's kinda like a catalog thingy to see what I wanna do...XD Yet for some reason they don't have some pictures of some things...
Animal Parade is probably by far the best Harvest Moon game. I think because Tree of Tranquility had a TON of thought put into it, yet the execution was a bit wonky, they fixed all that and then added in other things that fans have been wanting. Like different clothing and more interactive features. MORE CHILDREN!! And that your rivals have children, too....*.*
I keep wanting to play Animal Parade...which I will soon...
Oi! I have two things that I've been wanting to say. First a rant (which I've wanted to rant about for a while now):
People at my school take my stuff ALL THE TIME without asking me and then they say 'I was just gonna look at it.' I tell them that they can't because they took it without asking and they think I'm some kind of nut. I can't think from their perspective at ALL on this. They have no reason to take it.
Or the times when they take sayyy my paper or my binder, while it's on my desk, just under something else...Well, they just take it, I yell at them, and then they say 'Fine, can I have that, please?' No, I'm not going to give you something you stole just because you asked for it afterwards. You can't do that either. You can't just ask for something after you took it.
I don't know why people think that's okay, it's not okay. And if I let them have it after they asked for it (in the situation where they took it first and then asked), giving it to them will not teach them any lessons. DO NOT STEAL, PEOPLE! Even if somebody SEES you steal it, that doesn't mean it's okay...O.o;
I mean, I guess if you're somebody's friend and you're just being silly, I guess that could be okay...but you don't take something of some random person's desk just to look at it.
I don't care if I get it back or not, the point is that you stole it. If the person apologizes, then I'll probably let them see it, but the thing is, they never apologize. People are SO rude, I just don't get it. How can you be rude? Don't you learn that in your bible or whatever? Not to steal?
They also tell me that that's not stealing. Well, it fits the definition PRETTY well. 'To take something of somebody else's property'
I hope none of you guys do this. It's very annoying...
Not only is it stealing, it's also distracting, because usually this happens while I'm working and somebody takes me pencil case (which has my erasers in it, and I usually don't have very good erasers on my pencils so I use those) and that just annoys me SOOO much. (And then they won't give it back to me...>3> I can't reach that high...TT^TT)
Okay....I'm done with meh rant! XD
Next thing I've been wanting to say...
This is ONE OF THE BEST SONGS I'VE EVER HEARD!! It's not my favourite song...but...it's...just...original. I've never heard anything like it and it has it's own kind of feel. You kind of feel relief, but then a bit spicy with their singing, and the mix it in with the lyrics and you get a whole new feeling. There are certain things in this song that people should pay attention to when they make their own music.
You have one feeling in the beginning, but then it starts changing. I don't know how to explain it, but the way it was composed is GENIUS. There needs to be more of this, more originality like that. It's kinda like a contradicting kind of song because you have the spicy lyrics and the kind of peaceful/neutral feel of the background music, but it all fits really well...O.O
Like black and white.
You hear all these songs and they all kind of end up sounding the same. Y'know with the intense kind of songs...umm...examples:
Don't get me wrong, I love all the songs A TON (I listen to them a BUNCH), but they don't wow me THAT much, they're just catchy and fun to dance to (sometimes...I don't think fripside is that fun to dance to...O.o;).
...I wanna learn Lucifer's dance...and Super Girl's...Super Girl is REALLY hard for some reason 'cause when they go 'Oh my Super Girl...' I can't do that...at all...TT^TT Or...I just can't remember it...XD
But do you know what I mean? They all have the 'too cool' kinda feel...Bad Girl, Good Girl doesn't seem like it's trying to be overly cool, it has it's own feel. Oi! It's You is also pretteh good:
I like the fact that you don't expect it to be the way it is. I didn't like it at first, but that's because I only watched a few seconds of it...XD And when I skipped around I always missed the main part...TT^TT But I love this song to death!
I drew some pictures of Necromansters, a lot of them are of Masumi (he's very fun to draw, he's too pretty! XD), but I still can't figure out how to draw Shig, and Kyo always looks really weird...I haven't drawn Madoka enough, though, but he seems pretteh easy. I don't know what colour hair they should have. My friends said blonde, but then I was like 'Nuuu...you don't understand, he's based off of Shou, if I gave him blonde hair he'd be too much like Shou...TT^TT'...I can't help making him like Shou....Actually, he's like photoshopped Shou, so his face looks different (has anybody noticed that? He kinda looks like a totally different person, at least if you cover up his eyes he does, in the pictures that are heavily photoshopped).
Masumi has purple-ish red hair and Shig has pink hair...and they're supposed to be the only two with the weird hair colours...but my friend wants to Kyo to have blue and green hair, but I tried to tell her that that's actually what colours he usually wears, so that'd match too much...It's a weird coincidence that she thought that, though. I'm probably going to give Kyo, Aoi, and Madoka black hair, but give Aoi blonde streaks...
I still want to draw that Harvest Moon picture! >:D I'll see what I can do...it might be fun. I might make it in a radial kind of design with people poking out in a circle....and then the main characters in the center or the Harvest Goddess in the center or a blue feather or something...O.o;