Wasting time...and Voice Meme again~! :D

I have to keep pointing out the voice meme so that you guys don't forget...No, actually, it's so that I don't forget and so anybody who wanted to ask some questions can ask them. I know how it is where you're like 'I'm gonna ask them a really good question,' then you come up with it in the bathroom or something, then you forget and since you're never reminded about it again you never ask it until it's too late...TT^TT

Depressing situation...but that happens to me all the time. Like when I went to see Quaff, I wanted to ask them what their favourite anime was...but I never asked them 'cause I forgot and we ran out of time...TT^TT

Well, so far I've wasted this week...Which, it was actually a break...

All I've been doing is playing Pokemon: Emerald....TT^TT I did some realism pictures and finally posted that mouse picture...but I still have lots to do. I'm just going to mark off challenges off my list that I just can't think of anything for. I mean, for some of them I CAN, I just don't know how to draw the poses or something...which is kinda sad. But I don't HAVE to enter into challenges.

I've worked nothing on Necromansters, I haven't finished my Maya picture, I haven't done my homework, or read the book that I got from the library. Not that I read...XD

I don't feel like working on Maya today...or doing my homework...But maybe I can work on some pictures today. I'll do my homework last minute~! :D

I'm mad at my teacher, though, 'cause she hasn't even been there to teach us any of this stuff and we're already getting a study guide. She says that everything is in the book, which is KINDA is...but we have 'problems' that aren't in the book. There are really simple problems that show you how to do it, but we have the hard problems that you get when you're supposed to know it. And I have no clue how to do the problems...TT^TT She's not going to be here Monday, and that's when it's due.

She said our class would be intense, and I understand. BUT SHE HASN'T TAUGHT US ANYTHING! She just went over the stuff we made bad grades on because we still don't understand the chapter and taught nothing that would help us on this study guide..Ughhh...

Oh, and I really like this music:

As strange as it sounds...it sounds good to my ears. DJ Sisen is a GENIUS! O.O I mean, his other works under DJ Sisen sound a bit strange....and have a lot of grunting, but the way he mixed it sounds awesome! O.O

Yes, just random visual kei music for you. Ohh! And I like this song, too:

And this one, too:

And sadly I only have liiike one Penicillin song...the other two...were...bleck...So I only have Grind Candy...I like that song...but I want more Penicillin songs! TT^TT

I'm still listening to bands...>3>

I need to do something today! TT^TT The week is almost over...and then I only have 3 more days...or so...
