...I just read that Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori was licensed in America as Hell Girl: The Two Mirrors.
WHAT THE HECK!? That almost completely ruins the name! I mean, it gives away too much, and it doesn't even sound good!! TT^TT
Futakomori means something liiike two cages or something? That makes more sense than two mirrors. If anybody's seen that season, they can understand.
Now Mitsuganae, Cauldron of three...yeahhh...still don't understand that name...but that one wasn't as good as the second season.
So many things about the second season were great, except Kikuri was ANNOYING AS HELL!! TT^TT (No pun intended..."orz)
Graahhh...that makes me so mad. Why of all things did they change the title to something like that?
Two cages makes more sense because Takuma and Enma Ai are going through the same pains and nobody accepts them, they just punish them more and more, so it's like they're in a cage. And the name doesn't really point to that until you get more into it and you finally understand the name.
But two mirrors, that already tells you that Takuma and Enma Ai are like the same people, that's not at all interesting. Where's the poetic sound of that name? We're not going to keep guessing 'cause we already know from the name that two characters are going to seem the same..."orz
Sorry, I'm just in love with Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, and I don't want it to be touched! TT^TT Just license it in America without translating anything!! TT^TT No dubs, please.
I wish they'd just license some anime and skip the whole dubbing part. Noto Mamiko is one of my favourite seiyuus and I think it really adds a better connection to have her singing the endings, but when it's dubbed then you don't see that connection and it's boring.
...I want to rewatch Futakomori...O.O