My Kind of Boy

Meme stolen from Kitty K.O.

Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your journal, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 5 of your friends here in dA to answer this.

If you're a guy - post this as "my kind of girl"If you're a girl - post this as "my kind of boy"Then, tag at least 5 people.

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
- YESS...Sorry not so good looking people, but I like staring at people...if there's nothing appealing to me on him...I don't see the point in being with him (no offense, but what would I do all day?)

2. Smart?
- Yes, he can even be smarter than me, but does NOT show it off.

3. Preferred age?
- OLDDDDerrrrr...I seem to go for the ones 7 years or more older than me..."orz But I guess when the people around me get to that age, then I'd like them even if they were a few months younger. But prefer older.

4. Preferred height?
- Not THAT tall...and not that short...nothing below 5'0".

5. How about sense of humor?
- He has to be mature and sophisticated, none of these sexual jokes...>3> It can be different than mine, but not to the point where I get annoyed by the jokes he makes..."orz

6. How about piercings?
- As long as they're not in weird places like on the cheeck~! :D I'm okay with it almost anywhere!

7. Accepts you for who you are?
- ...yess...Maybe has some disagreements here and there...but he should be able to accept everyone! >:0

8. Pink hair?
- YESSS!! I find it strange that this question is here since that's liiike one of my main hair colour picks for a boy...that or platinum blonde or black hair...

9.Mushy or no?
- No. He could be sometimes, but then feel embarrassed about it later.

10. Thin or fat?
- VERY SKINNY! I love hugging skinny people, it's tight and wonderful~! X3

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
- Any kind~! :D But I seem to like tannish skin....O.o;

12. Long hair or short hair?
- Short-ish long hair. Like normal j-pop boy length, not too short and not past shoulders.

13. Plastic or metal?
- METAL~! >:D Whatever that's supposed to mean...I want an ANDROID! I'd say doll, but they're the same thing to me, except one lights up and the other molds...TT^TT

14. Smells good?
- Doesn't have a smell? I don't really care as long as they don't smell bad...O.o;

15. Smoker?
- Absolutely not. I do NOT like smoke. (Same exact answer, Kitty K.O., see! XD)

16. Drinker?
- Not that much, but I don't really care that much. Not an alcoholic or anything.

17. Boy-next-door type?
- No...too awkward...O.o;

18. Muscular?
- No...maybe a little bit...but not that much...

19. Plays piano?
- Ahh~! I have dreams about people like, wait, I was reading manga....nevermind, those weren't my dreams..."orz

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
- Ehhh, doesn't matter. Now, if he's like a Tora, then, no, but if he's like that one guy from Lycaon, then YESS!

21. Plays violin?
- YES~! Ikuto~! :D

22. Sings very good?
- That'd be nice, but I really don't care...

23. Vain?
- Yeah, it's more fun that way~! :D

24. With glasses?
- I usually would say yes to this, but lately guys with glasses have been scaring's all that shoujo manga...TT^TT Have you noticed that the guy with the glasses never gets the girl? Unless he's the only person...wait, nope...well, it MANGA, not Manhwa! XD

25. With braces?
- NUUU! TT^TT They look scary and like sharks! They can have perfectly straight teeth or really crooked it, as long as they look cute with it~! X3

26. Shy type?
- Yesss, but he tries to be tough and overcome it, but he can't deny that he is pretty shy (like me~! :D).

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
- Somewhere in between. Morally he's a good boy, but he tries to be the rebel.

28. Active or passive?
- Passive...? Not sports active, but silly active is fine.

29. Tight or bomb?
- Dunno what ya mean?

30. Singer or dancer?
- DANCER!! Omigosh~! If they can move like the wind then they'll earn my love! <333

31. Stunner?
- ...stunner...? He can be armed with a stun gun~! :D Yeah, I guess stunning would be nice...but a bit subtly stunning...if that makes any sense....

32. Hiphop?
- Sure~! :D

33. Earrings?
- That's fine~!

34. Mr/Ms.
- Mr?

35. Dimples?
- Don't really care...*goes into Maya land*...They'd actually be kinda nice! O.O

36. Bookworm?
- Nope...

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
- Nah, we would both think that's too embarrassing and silly, he'd probably be too shy to say anything.

38. Playful?
- Not that much, but he can be silly sometimes.

39. Flirt?
- No...that's not interesting...>3>

40. Poem writer?
- No, I dislike poems. They don't make me interested at all. I don't want somebody who's deep! >:0

41. Serious?
- Kinda...if I'm serious...then I guess so...?

42. Campus crush?
- No, but if it happens, then I guess so...but that doesn't sound very fun...

43. Painter?
- Not really, but if he is, I'm okay with that.

44. Religious?
- No, and if he is, I will change him (just like my mom changed me dad~! :D)

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
- YESSS!! HE WILL BE MY BEST FRIEND IF HE DOES!! I love people who tease me/other people~! X3

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
- Yes~! He's a secret otaku! XD No, just kidding. But I think that'd be something that he definitely has to have. He must be some kind of geek that matches with one of my geek things...O.o;

47. Speaks 20 languages?
- NUUU!! I want somebody who can only speak one language, or a little bit of other languages. I want to be above them when it comes to languages. Oooh! Foreigner trying to speak English, that's always adorable~! X3

48. Loyal or faithful?
- Both? Unconsciously...>:D

49. Good kisser?
- I dunno...(never been kissed)

50. Loves children?
- NOOOOO!! NEVER!! Do not pressure me into having kids. I refuse to have any! I always hear boys talking about have tons of kids...I don't ever want to get close to those kinds of boys...
