I ate a part of a boiled egg...and it was really old and it tasted like alcohol and I still have the taste in my mouth (even though I ate something else) and I keep tasting it every time I burp...I fear that I might get sick...TT^TT
Oh, yeah~! I got my braces off...onnn...Tuesday, yep. It feels the same as it did with braces on...that saddens me...because I thought I'd feel free and wonderful, but I don't. I also have a bar to keep my teeth aligned on my bottom jaw and I have to wear a retainer.
Ugg...I hate straight teeth! TT^TT Some people look good with them, some people don't...I don't think I look good with straight teeth. They're seriously overrated...TT^TT I didn't want to show anybody my teeth after I got my braces taken off because I didn't like how they looked, but only a few people noticed...which is kinda funny.
My dad said after he got his braces off he went home and made sure he had a huge smile on his face so that everyone could see that his braces were off and his mom started freaking out because she thought he was high! XD
It's strange how people don't notice...Maybe they do, but they don't say anything...I think it's REALLY easy to notice because they look almost completely different without braces on, it almost a shock. So maybe they just want to keep it to themselves...XD
None of my teachers noticed, and they're usually the people to notice those things...hrmm...The people who noticed were...my best friend and some people in my art class.
Tomorrow is mole day~! :D Not the animal...that thing in science...y'know...measurement thingy...Well, in Chemistry we're having a mole day party and we're supposed to dressed up and bring food (well, dress up if you want to eat), but I have if 2nd period...I don't feel like eating that early in the morning...and I really don't know how to dress up for it, so I won't...So, yeah, I'll just do the activities...I'm not a party person..."orz
Well, it depends on the parties, maybe...Nah, I just don't like hanging out, I like doing things...
...I forgot what else I was going to say...O.o;
Bye-bye, then~! ^ ^