MEMES!! *collapses*

There are a lot of memes out there...I'm only doing's not that bad! XD

Both were stolen from Felcie! XD

Are you wearing a hat? now I'm tempted to...O.O

Bottled water: yes or no?
No, it's NASTY! Bleckk....I mean, it tastes nasty...No, I wouldn't rather have tap water either...>.>

Do you have a crush on someone right now?
Yah (Masato~! <333 If that even counts! XD)

What kind of laptop do you have?
Stupid Windows Vista...>.>

Do you prefer writing with pen or pencil?
Pen~! 'cause I write very lightly sometimes. But I like to draw with a pencil.

Who was the last text message in your phone?
...*doesn't text*

Whats your favorite season?
Autumn...I'd say...I dunno, I love all the seasons~! X3

Does your best friend have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Do you like them?
Yes! They're both ridiculously nice people! ^ ^

Favorite radio station?

Type your name into Google, whats the first thing that comes up?
...a sci-fi MMORPG...O.o; Kinda makes me want to play it! XD

Whats your favorite song at the moment?
'Forces' by Susumu Hirasawa...buuut...that's the one I can't stop listening to is Yami ni Chiru Sakura by Alice Nine.

Coke or Pepsi?
Coke...I don't feel comfortable with Pepsi even though I don't really know what the difference of taste is...O.o;

Favorite subject in school?
I dunno...Art, I guess...

Last concert?
Never been to a concert before..."orz

Next concert?
...Who knows..."orz

Last magazine you bought?
Game Informer...I think...

Last book you read?
Love or Money....byyy...I have no clue....I actually don't remember the last book I read...O.o;

Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Is there someone you want to punch right now?
Ooooh yeah... XD

Favorite sports team?
UTEP MINERS! :D Nah, I really have no favourite sports team.

State you most want to visit?
...ermmm...New York? Or California...O.o;

Are you a facebook addict?
I don't even have a facebook account...

When do you shower?
Every night or in the middle of the day.

Whats your dream job?
Mangaka~! Or something...O.o;

What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive a car...

What word in the dictionary best describes you?
Complicated...'cause I complicate things and I'm too complicated to actually lable (it seems...they call me the shy girl, then they get to know me more then they really don't know anymore...XD)

Lights on or off?

Are you a better listener or talker?
Listener. I REALLY am bad at talking.

Do you care about who wins the election?

Who was the most popular kid in 7th grade?
Star Basketball player...he's still kinda popular, I guess...O.o;

Are you afraid of ghosts?
No, ghosts don't exists. But I'm afraid of ghost STORIES...liike how the place got haunted or whatever...X.X

Is there something lacking in your life right now?
Sure, but I dunno what it is...(proper punctuation!)

What do you miss most about childhood?
The music, the video games, the friends....lotsa stuff.

How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
I'm not old enough yet! >3>

Do you drink alcohol?

Do you do drugs?

Are you a good liar?
Not at all...Actually...I can't think of a time where I actually meant to lie (usually they're all misunderstandings...)...

Can you cook?
No! XD

Are you a cheapskate?
Sometimes...I am in Harvest Moon! :D

What would you do with a million dollars?
A lotta stuff...who knows...

Have you ever been to Disneyworld?

How much time do you spend online?
Practically all day long.

Last time you went bowling? El the end of the year, or something.

Hot or cold weather?
Cold! Actually, I like it where it's kinda warm and has a nice breeze.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
...I dunno...I only use about two...O.o;

Are you a shop-a-holic?
Nope! :D

Where were you yesterday at 10:30?
...on the computer.

Are you afraid of the dentist?
Not really...I just don't like going 'cause it's gross there...

Do you make wishes at 11:11?
No, why? That makes no sense.

Do you trust people?

Who was the last person in your bedroom?
My dad...?

Be honest, do you generally like people
Kind of. I don't like them, but then I when I talk to them I don't really like them, but when I see them having fun (without me included) I like them.

Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
Smile! DO NOT TELL ME THE TRUTH! Actually, you guyzz shouldn't be telling us lies in the first place. Stop lying about Santa Claus!

Who was the last person you got into an argument with?
...I think it mom?

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
Japan or Korea...or somewhere in Europe...I dunno.

Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Not at all! XD

What was your last text message about?
I don't text, mon.

Whats your first thought when your alarm goes off?
I don't have an alarm...

Did you like this survey?
I guess...?


[ ] One of your parents is dead
[ ] You are expected to do a lot of chores
[X] You love to dress up
[X] You love animals
[X] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
[ ] Your mom is really strict
[ ] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you (I don't even have sisters)
[X] You're afraid to speak your mind sometimes ('cause I'll probably hurt somebody)
[ ] You have left your shoes at a friends house before
[ ] You have blonde hair

Belle (Beauty And The Beast)
[ ] You've kissed someone your friends didn't like
[ ] You've been lost in the forest (Nuu...that's scary...O.O)
[X] You love to read (manga...if that counts...O.o;
[ ] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind
[X] One of your family members is a bit weird (Probably...O.o;)
[X] You have done volunteer work
[X] You have a wild imagination
[ ] You love to take care of people in need
[X] You've had guys like you only because they think you're pretty (Makes me guy even said that he liked girls who looked like me with blonde hair and blue eyes...both things I don't have...O.o;)
[X] You've rejected at least one person when they've asked you out
Total: 6

Jasmine (Aladdin) :
[ ] Your dad is VERY rich
[X] You are very clever (In writing...I guess...O.o;)
[X] You've been with someone way different from you (define being with?)
[X] You're unique and different from everyone else
[X] You'd never marry someone just because they were rich (they could be really gross! TT^TT)
[X] You have set a lot of goals for yourself
[X] You don't have a lot of (good) friends (I actually don't...>.>)
[X] You're independent
[ ] You are wealthy
[ ] Your parents try to control your life (Not at all!)

Ariel (The Little Mermaid) :
[X] Your parents expect a lot from you (But not something that unreasonable)
[X] You really try to follow the rules, but its hard for you (When somebody tells you to do something else...stop yelling at me! TT^TT)
[ ] You're a bit of a trouble maker (Nooo...O.o;)
[X] You're the youngest in your family
[ ] You have a lot of sisters (I have NO sisters)
[X] You collect something (MANGA~! :D)
[X] You have/had long, hair (only when I was little)
[X] You have/had a pet fish (Several...but I think most of them died, and we moved and yadda, yadda, yadda...)
[X] You're extremely curious
[X] You believe everything people tell you/you're a bit gullible (..."orz)

Snow White :
[ ] You know that you're beautiful (....wait...she did?)
[ ] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
[ ] You have at least seven good friends
[ ] You've almost been killed
[X] You've had food poisoning (Carnival food...bleckkk...)
[X] You have/had short hair (Yup, currently have short hair!)
[X] You get along with almost everyone (Not that I like them...O.o;)
[X] All of your friends are different (I have goth friends, nerdy friends, jock friends, the whole spectrum)
[ ] You love to have a good time (good times are for fools...Nah, I dunno what this one means...O.o;)
[ ] You're happier when you're out of the house than in (I like being inside...(hikkikomori!! O.O))

Mulan :
[X] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
[ ] People wish you could be a bit more girly
[X] You've pretended to be someone you're not (it happens every now and then...O.o;)
[X] You've had a physical fight with someone (yeah, but I think it was for fun...I can't remember...)
[ ] You have/had considered running away from home (Nu! I'd be eaten by coyotes!!)
[X] Your parents try to plan your life out (but it's never actually the way I want it...)
[ ] A lot of your friends are boys
[X] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations (But I didn't do anything! TT^TT)
[ ] You love your family so much that you'd do anything to protect them ('s not something that I must absolutely get if I'm born...>.>)

Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) :
[ ] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
[ ] You almost died at a very young age
[X] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful (Apparently...)
[X] You have a decent singing voice (DECENT~! :D Why is this here?)
[X] You like to sleep in late on the weekends (Yess! Doesn't everyone?)
[ ] You spend most of your time outside
[ ] You're adopted
[ ] You're very romantic (Not at all! XD)
[X] Pink is one of your favorite colors (I can't help it! >3>)

[ ] You love to walk around and explore big cities (No...that sounds scary...I'd rather LOOK around instead of walk...XD)
[ ] You are more spiritual than religious (I'm neither...O.o;)
[ ] You've been in an interracial relationship
[X] One of your family members is dead
[X] Someone you know has been in war
[ ] You love nature
[ ] You have/had black hair
[ ] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful
[ ] You're very adventurous

TinkerBell (Peter Pan) :
[ ] You get jealous easily
[X] You loved your childhood (I actually loved the '90's...dunno if that counts...XD)
[X] You like to fly (I like the part on the plane where you're going down and you feel all funky~!)
[ ] You believe in magic (No! XD)
[X] You're 5'2 or under
[ ] You hate pirates (I LOVE pirates~! X3)
[X] You love sparkles (*stares*)
[X] People underestimate you
[ ] You get angry easily (Not as it seems, it's usually fake anger to be funny...)
[ ] You have/had a treehouse

Alice (Alice In Wonderland) :
[ ] You have/had a pet rabbit (This makes no sense since she never had a pet RABBIT it was a pet cat who had kittens! >3> Remember? Dinah?)
[X] You love to play cards (Solitaire~!)
[X] You constantly need to know the time ('cause I don't have a watch, but again, what does this have to do with Alice?)
[X] You get in sticky situations (My ice cream melted! TT^TT)
[ ] You have been to court
[X] You have fallen asleep while doing homework (stupid English...>.>)
[X] You have had a tea party (Alone...>.>)
[X] You love hats
[X] You are constantly lost (So I have to follow somebody all the time...)
[X] You know how to play croquet (I played it in elementary school, I dunno if I an still remember)

Meg (Hercules) :
[ ] You're boyfriend is strong
[X] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before (Yep...*leaves quickly*)
[ ] You are very convincing (I dunno what I am...)
[X] You have fallen in love before (With AAA! Really people this is LOVE!)
[X] You have had your heartbroken
[X] You love Greek mythology
[ ] You lie sometimes
[ ] You pretend to be someone you're not
[ ] You have been used (You can't use me...I'll find out somehow and mess up your plan!)
[ ] Purple is one of your favourite colours. (Everyone loves that colour...I wonder why...)

Soo...I'm somehow Ariel and Alice....they both start with A's. I don't get it...O.o; That Alice one was MESSED UP! I'd probably be Alice if that first one was changed to a cat instead of a rabbit...>.>
