I've done everything I was prepared to do...and I don't think I have any homework...O.o; So I dunno what I want to do...
How about working on some manga?
Nahhh...XD I'll read some new manga. I was just going to draw something...but I can't think of anything...I'll read some manga in the meanwhile.
I have another shoujo feeling right now...'orz Mostly because I was just listening to a lotta Sailor Moon music! XD
For the Academic Team tournament....my team lost...I answered one question right...it wasn't very good. There were only 4 people who went...>3>
On the tests, the tests were fun, as always~! :D One of the tests had an Atonement question, which is one of my favourite movies~! I squealed when I saw it...which...I don't think we're allowed to do...but, y'know, that's just awesome.
I actually didn't read the question...I just saw something about a book or movie and it said Briony...or lead Briony...
First of all, I had to write a paper about Atonement (and, I think, read the script), second, I love that movie, and third I was just listening to Atonement music and Briony's theme song thingy...XD
And then after that there were a bunch of questions that were my kind of thinking. One about The Departed, The Hobbit, and some others that I can't remember right now. I think I did pretteh good enough on both tests...not that I'd actually win anything...>.>
We left early, too...so they other teams are probably still there! XD
After each match we're supposed to shake hands, but we don't have to, most people don't, and I didn't on this one team, but this one guy on that team stood there for a long time when I was talking to my teammates just to shake MY hand...O.o; It was very strange...and he did that before kinda when we went to his school for a match...I didn't even play and he shook my hand...'tis creepy...TT^TT Actually, I've had that happen loads of times, and they ALWAYS have long hair.
Long haired guys creep me out, they're seriously one of my major fears...TT^TT I have a phobia of guys with long hair...
Not even Kamijo can make it better...TT^TT Asagi's okay...nahh, he's still kinda scary...
Okay, well, there are SOME exceptions, but overall...they creep me out...
And as much as I like boys who look like girls...there was one of the boys I was talking about who I kept thinking was a girl, and he wasn't...so weird...but he had long hair...after comprehending the fact that he was a boy...he still freaked me out..."orz
Other than that....nothing major really happened...it wasn't that eventful since NOBODY WAS THERE...>.>
Well...I'll go read some manga, now!