I keep hearing stories about how so-and-so killed this one animal because it hurt somebody. Like in the Green Mile, they guy shot his dog 'cause he bit his sons face.
Personally, I've never thought that was right, even if they could somewhat justify it with it doing something bad like that. Usually the case is that the animal is usually really nice, and they never though they'd do that, so they shot it.
First off, it's the OWNER'S STUPID mistake, not that animal's. They should know what they're dealing with. I guess mistakes like that kinda reflect how life usually is. You get all buddy buddy with somebody, and then they turn on you...or they make a mistake...or you get in an argument.
It seems like most people just cut it off like that. I don't think that's right.
Just because the animal did something wrong doesn't mean it should get that kind of punishment. I feel the same for human beings. Just because they hurt somebody, I think they should pay their dues and then somebody should find help for them or something.
I obviously don't believe in the death penalty...XD
I'm just bringing this up 'cause I was playing Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All...can't remember the name of the case, but it was the one with the Berry Big Circus...yeahhh...
Anybody who's beaten that one should know what I'm talking about.
The part they tells you about Acro's brother Bat and how he was put in a coma 'cause Leon the lion bit his head in a performance gone wrong. I don't think they even really planned it...so it's Bat's fault, not Leon's...>.> I feel bad for both of them, though. That part almost made me cry...'cause they both ended up in depressing spots...Leon was shot and Bat is in a coma...
That whole thing...I think about it having a Diamond Head kind of ending...kinda...XD If anybody's ever read that...'cause that boy guy was in love with some girl in a coma and Bat was in love with Regina, and now he's in a coma. Maybe Regina could still love him?
Sorry with the spoilers...Umm...I'm actually just stuck in it is all...I'll be unstuck in a moment (I figured out what to do)...O.o;