
My dad told me that Justin Beiber was going to be on Graham Norton...and...first of all, I don't care who's going to be on Graham Norton...second of all...HOLY CRAP! IT'S FINALLY ON!! TT^TT

And YAY~! Jack Black's gonna be on~! I'm actually excited for that one 'cause I wanna know how he REALLY REALLY acts and I'm sure he'll make it funny...I also can't imagine him and Graham Norton in the same room...*.*

Sorry...I just wanted to say that...I'm so happy~! I'm glad my dad reminded me~! X3 I wonder if I've missed anything because I've been...OH WAIT...>.> It's been on at 10 pm, hasn't it? I've always looked at the wrong time..."orz How depressing...TT^TT I've missed so much then...but from here on I WILL MISS NO MORE!!

I must have missed the commercial for when the next Graham Norton show would be on...'cause I remember back then he was on a break and they were showing Star Trek instead so I hadn't been on since then...>.>
