That made my day...X3 Second american cartoon I know of to use a Japanese song in one of their episodes.
I watched the Valentines episode of American Dad where Cyborg Stan comes from the future to steal Francine from present Stan. It was very funny. And right when the song started playing I was like 'PERFUME!'. It's funny how unconsciously I think of the name of the band right off the when I went to MTAC they were playing Sugarless Girl by capsule and I didn't even think about who it was but I yelled 'Oooh! Capsule~!'...even though when I listened to it more I was like 'Ohh...wait maybe that's perfume...?'
The other time was in Futurama in this episode:
It was by Pizzicato Five...but they're singing in English...but y'know what, it's Pizzicato Five...>3>
The one in American Dad was Monochrome Effect...took me forever to go through my music list of Perfume (and lots of remembering...I kept forgetting how it sounded) to figure out it was Monochrome Effect...O.o; It's just...there are a few songs of Perfume I just ignore the name of 'cause I'm not always listening to it. Now if it was Puppy Love, I'd know it, or one of the recent ones...
Anyways, that's just awesome~! Now there are people probably liking that music and wanting to listen to more of it and Jpop will become more popular all because of American Dad~! X3