The following manga titles! However, I must tell you, that...well...most of these are seinen and have lots of sex and gore and require your full attention and what-not. So some of you may not like it (if I ever buy any of these and bring it to school and some of my friends see it and ask if they can read it...I'd have to warn them...O.o; Most of them just read shoujo, vampire knight, or whatever...and they think that Hellsing is inappropriate...O.o; 'tis nothing compared to some of these titles):
Blade of the Immortal - This one...I already loved the artist and had been dying to read it...and I was not at all disappointed! *.* It's basically a samurai manga, so it's pretty violent (I can't remember if it was very sexual...O.o; I was reading Berserk at the same time...sooo...couldn't really point out the bad parts). I'll just say it's not as bad as Berserk, so don't worry about that! XD It's about this guy who can't die...who's a he kills the real baddies instead of the people who are probably good guys that he had been killing.
Monster - I didn't like it at first...but once I got past the first 2 chapters I suddenly found myself finishing the first volume...O.o; The first 2 chapters are kinda boring...but then it starts heating up...*.* You also have to pay attention 'cause there is a LOT of text to read, but you'll get used to it (I'm just telling you the problems I faced as to why I did not read through it the first time I read a couple of pages).
Pluto - started out...kinda...I guess cheesy....I dunno...but I didn't like it, and then it suddenly started getting ridiculously good. (By the way, I haven't finished any of these...they're very long...and that'd take me weeks probably....XD) It's also not that violent...same for Monster...I mean, it's not over the top slicing in half bodies kind of thing like the other ones I've listed...XD
Vagabond - I-I think I like this more than Blade of the Immortal...*.* It's AWESOME! HOLY CRAP!! *falls out of chair* But I like samurai manga, sooo...It has really realistic art (they actually look like different people and they actually look Japanese! Don't you guys find it that when you're reading certain manga when they bring in foreigners they all look the same...O.o; ). This one has some sex in see it...but you can get over it, can't you? And it's pretteh violent, though...not as violent as Blade of the Immortal or Berserk...or any of the other action seinen manga I've been reading...O.o;
Berserk - Of course~! Berserk! It's fun 'cause it's magical, creepy, dark, and a whole bunch of other things. I've been wanting to read it all day long...It's pretty violent and disturbing beware of that...I might also give you nightmares...but it hasn't given me anything yet (I'm so proud of myself...XD)...Most of the other characters besides the mainies are really freaking take shelter in the main if there's a really creepy part I'm waiting for Guts or somebody to kill them and save the day..."orz
Yeahhh...I'm not in a shoujo manga mood..soooo...
And now I understand why some of these are known to be so good 'cause they really are REALLY good.
I didn't put Basilisk on here...'cause it creeped me out more than wowed me...and I don't really have an urge to continue reading it at the moment...
I might come back to you guys with some more manga recommendations...gosh...this website has REALLY good manga on it...O.o;
The website is called Spectrum Nexus in case you're wondering. It doesn't have a large selection, but most of them are all ridiculously good and very good quality. And if you're like me who...never stays in loop with anything (except some music...'orz) then that website could do you some good. Though it has mostly seinen manga (I've noticed).