...I dunno...O.o;
I watched Toy Story 3. It was pretteh good. My only complaints are that I'll never like Jessie (sp?)...>3> Um, that's not a complaint...but mannn she's annoying, and as much as I like her voice actor as an actress, I really hate her voice. WHY IS SHE A VOICE ACTOR!? She has an annoying and scratchy sounding voice...
But besides that...I thought the kid...ummm...yeah, Andy, he sounded waaayyy too young to be going to college. He looked like a 15 year old boy and sounded like one, but apparently he's 17? That's hard to believe. But that's it.
I had a very strange dream last night...O.o; I wasn't in it (like with most dreams), but I was seeing everything from the perspective of this one girl who looks like like Misty from Pokemon (...there is always something that refers to a Nintendo game in my dreams...I don't know why, usually it's a pokemon or Zelda. I've had billions of Zelda and Pokemon dreams) was in liike a Paper Mario 2 kind of feeling city, but nobody was made out of paper or looked like they were from Mario. But there were little stylistic things like Paper Mario 2 had...and for some reason I did think it was Paper Mario 2 (I think some of the music from that game was playing in the background, too...I remember music).
Well she was trying to get a job somewhere and had help from somebody...I think it was her mom or something. Well she was going all over the place looking for work. She was some kind of chef girl so she wanted to work in a restaurant. Then some guy in a big company saw...strange potential in her to do something so they made a plan to get her to join their company. So they made a list of people that she should become an apprentice of with their pictures. They were all really important people and were all surprisingly good looking...O.o; Well...somebody who she really trusted gave it to her...I think it was her grandpa or something who owned a restaurant and probably was apart of that company (y'know, dreams are weird...there's rarely explanations for stuff). Well the company put really important people on there, but not all of them worked for them...which was a really stupid thing to do. In fact, they never told the people or asked the people they put on that list if they wanted or needed an apprentice...O.o;
Well, she looks over it...actually this time it's more like me in her body...XD Well I chose a guy who looks exactly like this:
Except with clothes on...liiike really fancy and expensive clothes. So she goes to his house, which is in a mushroom...O.o; And it's really small for some reason and it smells...But it's like pocket of smells so she goes to a corner, where the guy is, where it doesn't smell...and suddenly the room gets smaller and it's like they're stuck in a closet together. He's really mad she's there, yet he's smirking...O.o; I can't remember what happened after that, just that he was really mad and wanted revenge on that company.
Then I had another dream that I think I often have where I'm in a place like something from Zelda and I have to solve some kind of puzzle, and when I do the place starts to self destruct and I have to get out as fast as I can.
My Harvest Moon dreams are the most fun...and the most disappointing 'cause I really wanted those Harvest Moon games I dreamt up! TT^TT Though this one was really weird 'cause none of the places I went fit where they were. Story time again~! :D
I was playing as...somebody...and apparently it was a Harvest Moon game. It was strange 'cause it felt like it took place in Mongolia...O.o; Like in the Mongolian country side. And it was during winter, too. So I did all my daily things there and I went to the city (why is there a city!?) and I got lost and found myself in downtown where it looked like a really nasty China Town and everything smelled like dirty diapers...TT^TT But then I found the YMCA somehow (I think it was like this 'cause where I live there's a baby factory near the YMCA and it usually smells really really bad before I go into the YMCA). And the YMCA was more like a mental institution or something 'cause everyone had really strange quirks and need lots of help getting around...for some reason...
And so I kept going there daily to do something, and then ended up living there...then somehow (I don't remember) we were in some tower like the Tower of Gods in Zelda Wind Waker (with the water going in and stuff, like there's no entrance on ground). And at the top there was some battle of...something...I can't remember...but there were these creatures that were like legendary pokemon, all shiny and glowing, but I don't know what they were. They were kinda like Lugia and Ho-oh...but they weren't...And then, again, living and sleeping there.
Oh! I remember how we got there (we, as in the YMCA people). We all somehow cam across eachother in the hall way and suddenly the YMCA was filling up with water and it was growing taller and taller and turning into a fancy tower, and all the people beside us drowned...it was a very painful experience. That's how we got there. And I remember that there was platforms going to the temple that there were strange scenes on...O.o; Like cut scenes. And other people were looking for us, like another cut scene, or something from afar, seeing what other people were doing.
And then somehow I ended up at a beach with a beach shack for weird people things...they were human...they were liike alien looking things or something...O.o; A bunch of different species.
And that beach was really strange because I've had several dreams that had to do with that beach or where I continuously ended up at that beach. It wasn't your normal beach, because the shore was really small and it was surrounded by green cliffs and lots of grass. Kinda like a lake...but it was an ocean.
And every time I went there I turned into Link...O.o;
So weird...'orz
That's enough of my dream stories! XD Lemme tell you the significance of me telling you the first dream.
The guy was really really good looking for some reason. I don't remember how he looked so I couldn't draw him, but I remember seeing a bunch of different drawings of him...
I think I got that dream because I watched a lot of SS501 videos...O.o; At least, that's how I got that guy.
So I was thinking of turning him into Vincent, since I thought he looked really cool and unique. And thanks to that dream I know how he acts and everything.
Yep...and that's it...Time to go back to doing stuff! :D