Sorry I haven't been on in a while. It's not that I've been playing with anything from my birthday (though, I have been doing that), it's that I've had LOADS of homework this week. I had a looong project for English and a LOOOONG project for Spanish which I need to fix 'cause I messed up quite a bit 'cause I was so tired...TT^TT
And I have a ton of messages! XD Not a good thing to miss lots of days after a birthday...XD
I'll go check everything...XD
I got The Count of Monte Cristo, the book, which is...HUGE...Think of two pretty thick books combined into's about 1270 pages or something and has more than a 100 chapters. But it's SOOOO SO GOOD! TT^TT Except where I am now...I mean, it's only the beginning,'s describing the life and the conversation of two people I could care less about. I doubt they're important to the story...or are they...Also, I was reading it at school so I couldn't exactly concentrate.
But I hadn't seen the first part of the movie, so I was really surprised and excited to go onto the rest of the story when I realized that the people who falsely accused Dantes were drunk and didn't actually mean to do that, except Fernand probably did, 'cause he wasn't drinking at that time...O.o;
...I justed looked up Fernand's last had been bugging me FOREVER 'cause I couldn't remember his last name...Now I feel better. Mondego...I like that...XD
I also got DDR Extreme 2 (I already had Max 2...which is with me and '2's?). I...don't really have that big of an opinion of it. It's fun, I love that it has Captain Jack's Captain Jack...especially since it's a remix so it's even more interesting! >:D It's pretty fun...but I'm afraid of bothering my brother who is downstairs and...y'know, houses with stairs are pretty hollow so I don't want him to hear me stomping downstairs...but I can't help it...TT^TT If I don't stop I flail around and it's just hard to dance well if you're not make hard movements...>3> Or...for me, at least.
And then I got an airbrush set. I'll use it sometime...I don't know when. I'm kinda scared of it and I wonder why I bought it since it seems very expensive and I'm not a fan of colouring with an airbrush...I like hard lines...but it'd be good for backgrounds. I'd like to do pictures traditionally in the future. Like part of it traditionally and part of it CGing.
I want to be good at traditional art and CGing.
I also got cinnamon toast crunch and POCKY~! :D of today...I'm done with them. I ate them all. Pocky is wonderful 'cause it's delicious, addicting, but it does make you full, unlike poptarts. Evil poptarts. They sometimes taste good, but they're only addicting because you want to be full already but they don't do anything! TT^TT
I forgot what else I got....I think that's it.
I also got $116 and two $75 amazon gift cards. I already spent 9 Hours 9 Live 9 Doors...or something like that and Apollo Justice...and a wig. I want Shadow of the Colossus and some other games...but...I REALLY want 999. It'll also be my first M game. I also want to buy Persona 3 (not Persona 4...I WANT the city) and some other MegaTen games...
...Well, time to check some messages...O.o; When will I post new art!?
Oh, and some nice Show Luo for you guys (y'know what, I kinda suggest going down to this first and then going back up and reading...O.o;)