Feh, feh, what a disappointment...

I could see myself in a Phoenix Wright game...*cough*

Umm, yeahh, I beat Apollo Justice. It's a very disappointing game. Though I really loved Wocky, and I don't know why...I say it's his jacket...*.* CELL SHADING! OMIGGGGOOOOOSSSHHH!! *.*

None of the trials made a certain impact on my like with the other games...and the last one wasn't as epic...or...it was...buuut..hrmm...

I liked it relating to the other games a whole lot. If it's going to relate back to something, I'd like it to have something to do with Edgeworth or Mia or something...>3> I don't like it when they relate to other things...but, feh, what can ye do? It's the 'final stage' so it's gotta cover everything.

Justice for All KINDA did...like having Fanziska and Edgeworth in there talking about Edgeworth coming back and all...not that it related too much to the other games, but I thought that was DEFINITELY the awesomest one with the best story and the best trial. It was really boring at first, but as it went towards the end, it all came together in a VERY subtle way.

I think that's what it is about Apollo Justice...it's just not subtle enough. I mean, I know for a fact that there are rarely any questions left after each trial, yet there were many questions left unanswered.

The best one to tie all of the cases together was Trials and Tribulations (well...I haven't played the first game, so I don't know). The first trial ended, I personally had no questions unanswered...or...wait...no, we didn't know who her boyfriend was (but we knew by the second chapter...at least I did...O.o;) and we didn't know what the 'other' case was.

Then when we got to the other case...still didn't have any questions left unanswered...because the first case answered them...Except anything pertaining to Mia's boyfriend. And then it was all answered in the final one...IT WAS MAGICAL~! <333

Yet I like Justice for All's cases better...except for the second one...that was...painful 'cause of the music! TT^TT And the whole Trials and Tribulations was painful 'cause of the Kurain family stuff...I hate the Kurain family...except Mia.

Also, the BIGGEST disappointment was that when you go back to the case files to choose to do such and such case again, all the cases usually have pictures on them of each character. That made me want to complete the games even more to see who's picture would be on the case file (So I can stare at them like I do for every game...not just Phoenix Wright)....but...NO PICTURES!!

THIS IS BLASPHEMY (no it's not)!! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!! TT^TT And the sound effects weren't the same when the characters got 'Psyche Locks'...that was my favourite sound...it didn't sound as realistic, though, but it was a fun sound. The sound in this game was very sharp (sharp stab to my heart).

Ah! Ah! Compare! Compare! (Ummm...don't watch it all or read it...*panic* They're all EXTREME spoilers...sorry, but I can't really think of any unlocking parts that could possibly not have spoilers...except with what's-her-face Oldbag...but I can't find that video):

Now all I need to do is beat 999 or as I like to call it, Triple Joe ('cause in Chinese 9 is...well...I'm lazy...but it sounds like Joe....actually...more like Jyo...but whatev')

Oh...ummm...since I saw this while I was posting this....(time for a long post, gaiz) I'll do it now~! :D

Tagged by Kitty K.O.:

5 Things Meme


5 Nicknames:

1. Chibi-chan
2. My name + ie (well...drop the e and replace it with ie...y'know, y'know)
3. A pokemon name (which I will not say...Ah, mysteriousness...)
4. Everybody (Umm...I forgot why...it's a running joke in my family...O.o;)
5. ...I forgot..."orz

(There are more, but I forgot)

5 Best Friends:

(Umm....I'd rather not say their names...plus I have too many...'orz)

5 Enemies:

(Same here....except for the too many part...)

5 Generic Things About You:

1. I'm female
2. I'm very pale
3. I have a petite build (or as many call it 'short')
4. Small hands
5. Long fingernails (I'm proud of this one on my ring finger...it's REALLY long...*.*)

5 Features About Your Face:

1. ...Umm...surprised looking eyes (somebody said about mine...that I always look really surprised...O.o;)
2. Brown hair (not really on my face except for my eyebrows....but y'know what I'm talking about)
3. Dark-ish green-blue-gray eyes (Mystery color)
4. Skin
5. And a mouth

(I don't know...O.o;)

5 Physical Features you like about yourself:

1. Small Hands
2. Pale Skin
3. Small build
4. Bony! :D
5. Flatness~! :D

5 Physical Features You Hate About Yourself:

1. Back
2. Posture
3. Dry skin
4. Opened looking nose...(it's also painful...O.o;)
5. Forehead (I don't like foreheads! >3>)

5 Random Facts About You:

1. I over analyze some things
2. I'm afraid of almost every videogame (I say 'almost' 'cause there could be ONE game I'm not afraid of...but I can't think of any)
3. I really like idols for some reason
4. I like the big polluted cities for some reason (but I don't like pollution...O.o;)
5. I don't like to play in the snow, but I like looking at the snow

5 Things About Your Personality:

1. 'Shy' Apparently...*shrugs*
2. 'Sensitive'
3. LAZEH/Procrastinator
4. I have a 'complex' personality, so says a few friends of mine and a personality quiz!
5. 'Timid'...? Or is that the same as number 1?

5 Colors You Like:

1. Mint
2. Pink
3. Black
4. Red
5. White

5 Foods You Like:

1. Chocolate
2. Ramen
3. Salmon
4. Muffins
5. Seaweed

5 Bands You Like:

1. AAA
2. H!P
3. Kra
4. Super Junior
5. Alice Nine

5 Scents You Like:

1. Mint
2. Mint
3. Mint
4. Mint
5. Mint

(I'm not very fond of most smells...O.o;)

5 Movies You Like:

1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. Atonement
3. Curse of the Golden Butterfly
4. End of Evangelion
5. Apocalypto

5 Celebrities You Like:

1. Maki Goto (I DON'T KNOW WHY!! TT^TT)
2. Heechul
3. Show Luo
4. Saki Shimizu
5. Gackt

5 Things About Your Best Friend:

(Hrmm...which one...hrmm...Let's just go with this one:)

1. Has big eyes
2. Reminds me of a Raccoon or Opossum...*.*
3. Likes inappropriate manga
4. Wants to be a boy
5. Is currently being partially stalked by somebody who sits next to me at lunch...*freaks out* (He scares me 'cause he gave her a cookie and then she gave it to my friend and he got really mad at her...She's also dating somebody whom she really likes and he thinks that he has a chance...O.o;)

5 Things About Your Crush:

(Ehh...I'll leave this blank...*shrugs*)

5 Hobbies:

1. Drawing
2. Dancing
3. Reading manga
4. Watching anime
5. Playing video games

5 Talents:

1. Drawing
2. Watching Movies...yes, I believe it's a talent
3. Dancing
4. The ability to suck at every game~! :D
5. Learning Languages

5 People You're Gonna Tag:

1. It
2. Does
3. Not
4. Matter
5. Who


Should I say more...or what...neh...I'll go have lunch already...*shrugs*
