Nooo! XD Why would I do that!? Poor wallie!! TT^TT
I'm...just really really stuff has finally's not here...PLEASE COME HERE! TT^TT
It said that it SHIPS 5-8 working days....and it has will it be here? My mom said it was 5-8 again...but I hope not! That means it'll come...*calculates* Mondaaayyy...I want it nowww...TT^TT
But I'm mostly posting because there was something I wanted to say last night, but I forgot...'orz
So I'll say it now.
THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO IS TOO AWESOME! There was this whole chapter about death 'n stuffs that I read last was CRAZEH awesome! <333 I loved it because everything The Count (let's call 'im that since Edmond Dantes is hard for me to say for some reason...I can say Edmond...but Dantes is it Dant-es or Dant-ays or do you not even pronounce the 's'!?). Well, there's one part that I really loved:
Franz stepped back, but the count seized his arm and kept him in front of the window.
'What are you doing?' he said. 'Is this pity? In faith, it is well placed! If you heard someone cry: "mad dog" you would take your gun, rush out into the street and kill the poor beast by shooting it point black, without mercy; yet the animal would, after all's said and done, be guilty of nothing more than having been bitten by another dog and doing the same as was done to it. And yet now you are taking pity on a man who was bitten by no other man, but who killed his benefactor who now, unable to kill anyone else because his hands are tied, wants more than anything to see his companion in captivity, his comrade in misfortune, die with him! No, no! Watch!'
In case you're confused as to what it going on, The Count took Franz and Albert (two characters who are...I dunno...vacationing, I guess, in Rome) to see an execution of a man who killed a priest who was basically his guardian. He was supposed to be executed with another man, but he was pardoned (the other guy, not the murderer) because of the Count's request or something, which was what Franz wanted to see...But Franz and Albert are wimps...XD No, I think I'd be pretty wimpy with something like that...'orz old literature they don't use quotation marks as they are taught in schools...I wonder why...Hey, I do the same thing, I find it easier...but I wonder why we're taught to use quotation marks and ignore the whole apostrophe thing...O.o; there a reason why these two songs are so similar?:
Well, if it's a case of stealings, Acidman did not steal from NEWS, it would be the other way around because this song is old.
I don't think I'm the only one who thinks this either...XD I wonder if anybody ever got in trouble...O.o;
Sorry, I was just listening to NEWS's Color album and heard that song and thought it sounded just like Acidman's Slow Rain...O.o;
I personally like Acidman's Slow Rain better...XD
I feel like writing a samurai manga thingy...I'll probably do so...XD...
I don't think I'm gonna post a manga this week. I WAS working on one for a challenge...buuut...I don't think I'll finish it (even though I really like it). I'll probably post it even thought the challenge will probably be finished by then...>3>
I have some ninja OCs but no samurai OCs...I wonder why that is...I guess ninjas are just easy characters to create...O.o; I like my one ninja OC...I forgot her name, though...but she's not really a ninja...maybe her own kind of ninja. She's not secretive...THAT much....I dunno how to describe her. But somebody who wears a pink body suit with a bright green scarf can NOT be a ninja...O.o;
Gotta go! Bye-bye!!