
Sorry I was trying to sing the word 'rant' to NEWS's Sakura Girl...'orz

Yes! Rant time! 'cause I feel like ranting (after being hugely bothered by the new Nostalgia Critic video...the new Karate Kid IS NO WHERE NEAR as good as the old one!! >:[). Though...I don't remember anymore if I was going to rant something bad...O.o;

I've felt very tired this entire week and I think it's because I've been reading Battle Royale nonstop. THAT BOOK IS SOO GOOD! Okay, the writing isn't crazy good (who cares if the tree is 10 cm!! Just tell us it's a tree and let us imagine the size!) and something things are cliche...but it's a really good story. I like trying to figure who's gonna survive and who's gonna die next and how they're gonna die...*is excited*

A lot of my friends are really interested in it, too. They're always asking me how many people've died so far! XD

It's not a book you can flip through....considering you'd get several spoilers just flipping through it...I accidentally read the ending when I was trying to see how many pages the book had..."orz And then, again, I accidentally read another slice of spoilers..not that I wasn't suspecting it...O.o;

I wanna watch the movie...he has that kind of feel...Not that I think the movie would be good (I don't at all), but because I want to see the different adaptions/interpretations of the book. I read some of the manga, I think they did pretty good with it...I forgot when I stopped though...because I already knew who the first people died, but I remember stopping reading it at a certain point when it was talking about Shuya's guardian thingy...so then how did I know the other two people died...and knew how they died...O.o; I'm not going to read the rest of the manga...no chance...not with art like that.

I also got Devil Kings. Oh! That was what I was here to complain about! XD

The gameplay...ehh...it's okay...But that doesn't mean it's not fun. I mean, if I was as picky as my brother, yeah there's a TON of stuff to complain about, but I like mashing the (what is it...O? I dunno) something button and seeing the characters spin around and attack...BUT I HATE THE AMERICANIZATION OF THE GAME! It's not all fantastical-ish and the voice acting is pretty terrible. The guy voicing Sanada Yukimura kept saying Milord like Mahlord...Date Masamune's voice actor was okay...and I was somewhat okay with Uesugi Kenshin's...at least it's not an obviously woman's voice (I really hated his voice in the Japanese version)...but...WHY THE BRITISH ACCENT!? THIS IS JAPAN!! Makes no sense...And Itsuki's voice was even worse. It sounded all stuffed up and stupid (like mentally stupid, I'm not just throwing that word out there) and she had a country accent...which, again, makes no sense...O.o; I guess it could make a bit of sense...but...No...Beloved Itsuki should not have such a stupid voice...TT^TT

I'm probably going to turn off the voice acting or something...I can't even change it to Japanese...'orz

The worst thing about the game overall is...THEIR FREAKING NAMES! I want to hear Sanada Yukimura yell Ieyasu's name! TT^TT (I love it when his voice actor says Ieyasu...XD)...I named my...Patrat (was it?) Ieyasu...XD Itsuki is stupid Puff, Date Masamune is Azure Dragon, Sanada Yukimura is Scorpio...ughh...it's all so stupid! TT^TT I don't know why they would EVER do that! EVERYONE knows who Oda Nobunaga, right? I asked my friends at school and some of them knew, which is pretteh good. He's in other video games so why can't he be in this one!?

I also got my new pokemanzz game~! :D I...kinda like it...Well, it's the beginning of the game, I'm sure to warm up to it towards the middle like I do with every pokemon game. It's always really annoying when you start out and then it gets better as the game goes on...but I don't like the music and I HATE Team Plasma!

(Sorry! Sorry! I can't help it! XD Anytime I hear the word 'Plasma' that gets stuck in my head...XD)

...I don't want freaking medieval crap in a Pokemon game! GO FOR THE FUTURISTIC! The fact that Team Plasma's in there just ruins the mood. And they even sound pretty cool...and futuristic...but what do we get? Medieval crap. I LOVE medieval stuff to death, but just not in a Pokemon game! TT^TT

Oh! I also got This Mitchell and Webb Book. It's hilarious but inappropriate. There's a whole page of nude women...O.o; And it's talking about all the ways you can say 'breasts'...XD I showed it to my friends at school and they couldn't stop laughing....it was hilarious! XD I'm not done with it yet...O.o; Oh! On the game pages I showed them to my friends (they cannot be solved...well, they can, but it's not truthfully recommended unless you want to waste an hour) and my friends tried to play them...O.o; Like this word search said to find all these different words in it, but the whole thing was just 'N's and my friends actually tried to look for the words! XD I don't know why...O.o;

I should be working on my art stuffs...which is due on Friday...but I'm lazehhh...>.> I took it home for nothing...maybe I'll keep it at home...I dunno...hrmm...I need to work on my portfolio...O.o;

(I was gonna post this on my Cheer world...but I'll post it on here anyways since I'm lazy):

I love it! How can somebody be so pretty? Fehhh...>3>

...Okay! I'm stopping now! I just continuously wrote this (except to stop for youtube videos) and I wasted enough time...but I had to say all this or I will regret not saying anything in the morning (this is why I spam you guys...O.o;).

