It's dooone~! :D

Finally I had my audition thingy and now I'm pretty much done worrying about it. Of course, I wonder if I made it...but...yeah, low confidence...'orz

I also FINALLY got Victini~! X3 'cause my brother FINALLY fixed the internet...>3> He put it on high security which doesn't allow other internet connections...which...I understand we need security, but there are other people in the house wanting internet connection other than him. I hate that he has the main computer so he can shut off the internet whenever he wants to...>.>

Geeeessshhhh...Ninomiya Ai makes some RIDICULOUSLY awesome character designs! She has this one character who's like a cat/bat thingy with a cat ear hat that's all stitched and he has a stutter...>3> Not fair, not fair. Most of her designs I'm so in love with them that I'm mad that I didn't think of that...'orz

But I believe my second newest OC can do it! He can finally be really fun and creative! >:D My business shark with gangster slang...yuppp...And then I made another new guy who has an afro! FINALLY~! :D I love afros! I don't know what colour his hair is, though...O.o; But he has a star on one eye and heterochromia. And in his hair (which is huge) he has some goggles or something and a scarf so it kinda look like a smiley face...I might actually take those out and give him dyed smiley face right there...O.o; I was thinking of making an organization/team of people with special eyes. special eye. They all have some crazy design on their one eye and it's all the same colour and they can use their eye to do stuffs...Liike...I dunno...O.o; But I might take Kemuri's powers...maybe I won't reuse that character...or maybe he'll be the leader...or maybe I've already accidentally drawn a character who looks like Kemuri who has a bull's-eye eye....XD Ah, gosh, that sounds funny! XD

I need to just make a folder of JUSTICE already...and put some designs/sketches in it. I'm putting a BUNCH of characters in there...maybe I should rename it something liiike...10211920935 or something...O.o; Too many numbers...maybe not...XD Black Liquid? Noo...has nothing to do with it...I just want to rename it because 'Justice' sounds like I'm talking about the justice system, which I'm not...O.o; Smileaid! :D Nahhh...Apotheosis? That was an oooolllldddd name for a manga I was actually a Fire Emblem fanmanga thingy...O.o; How about Adamas...Alethia?

Okay....Adamas is unconquerable, diamond

And Alethia is truth...

I dunno which one sounds better...>3>

I'll get back to reading manga...O.o; I dunno why I was posting in the first place...I have a headache..."orz
