Reverse Sleepover + 30 Day Music Challenge

30 Day Music Challenge:

day 28 – a song that makes you feel guilty

Almost to the end! WAO! O.O

Anyways, that song makes me feel guilty 'cause one of the members apparently raped some girl and I actually liked the group...but not anymore since I actually realized I had nothing to love about this group except for the fact that they were a boy and girl group...and they don't particularly make me feel anything with their songs.

I wonder if that counts as guilt or just a love hate relationship?

My friend just e-mailed me saying that her parents probably wouldn't come back to pick her up until tomorrow night...and she's coming at it's like a reverse sleepover since most people come in the morning and leave in the morning (well...some come at night and leave in the morning, I think that's the point of it, but 'staying over at so-and-so's house' usually means having fun the day, sleeping at night, and then going home).

Also! MARK TWAIN IS A GENIUS! I love his clever quotes! Some are very funny and some are just totally true.

One of my favourites is:

"We are all stupid, just on different subjects"

That is totally true! I'm tired of people calling others stupid and looking down on them 'cause they think differently than you or maybe don't do well in school or something. You're just giving them a label, and if that were true, what's the point in them living? You shouldn't look down on people ever because how will they ever get out of the hole you put them in?

This one is also funny:

"God created war so that Americans would learn geography."

XD It's true! Americans, think about all the geography you know! And then think about if we've had a war there or with the people from there...and you most likely have!

It's sad that they basically just teach us about places we've had war and never things like Canadian history or history of more of the countries in the South or the history or places like Romanian and stuff in our World History classes...I haven't taken any of those classes in my school, but from what I've heard people talk about it it sounds like all the stuff I learned in 4th grade and 6th grade...>.> The ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, and the like from 4th grade and Africa and places like from 6th grade...>.>

This one's also funny

"I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."

XD...But it's kinda mean! XD

Here's another funny one (I actually repeated the 'this one's also funny' above before I fixed it...certainly does show my limited vocabulary)

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. I consider them unwise and I know they are dangerous. Also, sinful. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet retired spot and kill him."

Ah, Mark Twain...*shakes head* You are so funny...XD

I've come to the point where I want to be kind enough to not call people 'stupid' but to call them 'silly'...and they don't think anything of it. If I called them 'stupid' then they'd probably get mad or offended, but when I call them 'silly' they just kinda laugh about it...

But at the time I think 'silly' makes a lot of just sounds harsh if I say 'stupid'....but I'm actually using my 'silly' as a stronger word than 'stupid'...O.o;

Sorry, I'm rambling...'orz

I should go do the stuff I left for today before my friend comes! O.O
