Best crying scene EVARR!!

We watched 'Under the Hawthorn Tree' in my Chinese class and I didn't really think the movie was really that sad and I thought some parts were kind of awkward...O.o; But the acting was REALLY good and almost believable (I say almost because of the awkward parts!). But I usually don't cry in movies, but I cried at this part...actually, towards the end of this part. But SHEESH you've GOT to see this crying scene! It's so real!

It's also long! TT^TT I can get through parts without crying because most of the time they're short...but this kept going on and on! TT^TT It also reminded me about when my cat died and how I cried. I cried the same way...TT^TT

But I was the only one crying in my class so they laughed at me! XD Well, I was the only girl besides the teacher. But it was good I got that out. I almost didn't cry until the end with the music and the hawthorn tree. TT^TT I could also barely swallow 'cause of the knot in my throat...I hate it when that happens...>.>

I dunno if it was a good movie, was foggy...a bunch of parts were missing...O.o;

I talked to my teacher about Jang Woo Hyuk and some of the Super Junior members! XD I didn't know Siwon knew Chinese nor did I know he was rich! O.O My teacher also really likes H.O.T. so she liked talking about Jang Woo Hyuk.

I thought Jang Woo Hyuk and Eun Hyuk could have been related...I thought they looked pretty similar and both had 'hyuk' in their names...but they have different family names...still...that's interesting. And at first I was like 'He kinda looks like Eun Hyuk...wait...his name's Jang Woo HYUK!?'

The more we watch the Lord of the Flies and the more we talk about it....the more I want to create an evil little boy OC....which I sorta have, I just don't have a name for him.

In my head he has tan skin and black hair...but I don't mean that to be racist or anything, I just thought it'd be gross/scary for them to have blonde hair and blue a Nazi! TT^TT Also this character would be a handsome young boy, but violent...hrmmm...I don't want him to be creepy or like a serial killer or anything...just bad and evil. And by evil I mean that they do not have any good intentions. It's all 'because it's fun' or 'because it looks cool' or little things that I could imagine a little boy reasoning something as...

Not that I'm saying little boys are evil! XD Little girls are evil! No, no, just kidding! XD Nah, I just want a boy who could seem like a good little boy, but he's not. Most of the time when I little kid does something wrong they don't say anything really bad about them...kinda they do...but it's not like 'he's a criminal' or anything. Especially the parents. He's the kind of kid who can get away with it just because of that and he does some REALLY bad things that most people would never believe a kid could do. Like rape a woman or murder somebody or something like that. Taboo-ish stuff.

Sorry, I'm rambling about this kid! XD

I actually ran out of things to talk about...sooo...bye-bye! XD
