
Is a Naruto character! :D

His name also sounds like 'pain' which I am currently in...

I have...I guess it's called a 'hang nail' or something on my nail that is pretteh deep into the pink area and I just flicked it...So now I am gently typing this post...'orz

Okay...Korean...IS A WONDERFUL LANGUAGE!! Holy crap...I surprised by its alphabet...After learning Japanese, with all those different letters, and then Chinese with basically no alphabet and just thousands of characters and radicals...then I get Korean's...wonderful. And so far it seems to be one of the best built languages. It's easy and it makes sense. English isn't like that at all, and definitely not for Chinese or Japanese. I guess Japanese DOES make sense, but it's still so complicated and not too straightforward.

I also added Thai to my list of language learning. I haven't looked at it, yet, though.

Here is my evil plan of languages...

Learn as many languages so that I learn other languages in the process!

For instance, in learning Spanish and English I also know some French, Latin, Italian, and anything else stemming off from Latin. Then for Chinese I know a little Japanese and anything else that stems of from Chinese.

If I learn Thai I also learn some Cambodian.

Then there are the other languages of the Middle East 'n stuff that I get confused with...and I'm almost definitely not gonna learn an African language...

No offense to the Africans...I just think there are wayyy too many different languages in Africa to keep track of.

Which is why I think Africa should decide on a somewhat universal language...or national or whatever you'd call it kind of language for all of them to communicate by. I think that may be a small thing that could stop all the violence, I think it has to do with bad communication so it is hard to advance from there.

Also...scheming people. I hate scheming people! I mean, what I said about was a scheme, but I mean the people who are always look for plans and loop holes to get something bad that they want. It bothers me because they believe that they're not doing anything bad because they aren't associated with the label bad because of some if somebody tells the person not to touch something, so they get somebody else to touch it instead of them.

The law even says to punish ACCOMPLICES with the person would be in that fact, they're even the leader, the aggregator (this IS word! Isn't it?), of the problem. (I just found a new button! XD I didn't know I could do that 4 arrow screen scrolly thing! XD). You're still a bad person if you tell somebody else to do a bad thing. Ugg...makes me so mad...>3>

I wrote a WHOLE looong thing about the justice system...buuut....I erased it 'cause it seemed to 'preachy' or whatever...And I don't think you guys want to read that! XD

Back to learning~! *is excited* I get so excited with learning~! I love to learn~! X3 I dunno why I stopped...

Oh, finger hurt...well...this wasn't such a good idea to get over the pain...since it hurts to type...O.o;

Oh! Anatomy is VERY fun to learn! There are so many different muscles and bones that do so much in the body that I hadn't noticed before! And the names aren't too hard to learn because they make sense as to what they're talking about.

Bye-bye, now~!
