Third post, sorry...'orz

I'm very sorry to those I may have deeply offended in the last post!

I wasn't made or raging or anything, I just don't like Ed at all. It's very easy to say that without getting mad. In fact, my facial expression is completely blank.

Here's one thing I must tell EVERYONE.

The harsh words I say I never mean. The words 'hate' I don't TRULY mean, they're just easier to say than dislike or really don't like or something...It's just 4 letters!

I do need to understand to be more careful with word choice and with ranting, for I might offend somebody else. But never take the things I say personally.

If somebody said the same thing about my favourite character...

I can understand they're from another stand point. My friends hate my favourite characters all the time.

I think Ash Crimson is a pretty hate-able character.

Actually...I can see how anybody'd hate my favourite characters...except the Count of Monte Cristo (if we're talking about the book version). He's such a wonderful person! He's also so modest!

I'd also just like to say I don't like anything that reminds me of myself too much. Which is probably why I hate Colette Brunel. I'm also very clumsy...but I don't break things, but still...

I don't like anime that makes you feel particularly good or something. I don't like things with morals.

Again, I don't mean to offend anyone! I feel really bad for doing so!

I'll delete any 'rude' parts of that post...



I still haven't done anything all day, and it KILLS ME! TT^TT I was going to do a video thingy...but then I looked at some vocaloid videos and then got put off...>3> Also there are so many songs I want to do.

Also, by the way, I never though Shou (alice nine) was too good at writing songs because they would always start out dark and poetic and then end with something like 'I love you' or something and I thought that was really silly...but then I really tried my hardest to read Yami ni Chiru Sakura...and it makes sense now! It's about how the main person or whatever can't depend on anyone anymore and feels put off from the rest of the world, and he's ashamed of it, so he hangs himself, but he feels regret. That's just my interpretation of it. Here's the lyrics (I love the end part):

This is a tale of my escape from agony
Around the time when the cherry blossoms fall, ah
I silence my voice, and await the end
Nobody looks at me

I shut them all out, I rejected them.

The letter I couldn't write,
Blurred with the "from now on" I saw in my dreams
Only the darkness showed me kindness, pain, shut my eyes

I crouch down in the scenery around me, unable to find a color to blend into
In hopes that at least I could disappear into the dark of night...

I hung myself.

The bell signalling the curtain call sounds,
Awakens me from my fading dream
Goodbye my love, the spring breeze blew me back and forth.

When the cherry blossoms softly weep.

This is the final post for today. I will try and stop myself from posting tomorrow...sheesh.
