Notice that it's 100, which, isn't actually that big of a number when it comes to favourite artists...I'm sure I forgot tons of artists that I love...'orz
I numbered them, so if there is an artist you'd like to know the name of I'll try and find a link to them...and maybe a name....maybe...XD Though some of these I don't know the name of...It's very depressing, all I have is a picture from them that I saved on my computer, I never bothered to write down the name or remember fact, I don't think I've ever seen a name...
I really like number 43! I keep staring at it! *.* It's right next to a Light fanart and so it's making my mind think number 43 is Light, but it's not...but I still imagine him to look like that anyways...XD
I did this all day instead of something productive. But, hey, I vacuumed and I made some bread. I think that's SOME productivity. I'm giving myself a slice of pie anyways (total metaphor there, I don't even like pie...).
Speaking of my dislike of pie, I also don't like hamburgers and hot dogs, but whenever I think about them my mouth waters...but then when I eat them I'm disappointed by it not tasting like it did in my imagination. I later realized that the taste I had been imaging for hamburgers and hot dogs was the flavor of cabbage. Mmm, cabbage is delicious~!
For pie...I think of a blue berry muffin...maybe...But I really love pie crust! XD I just don't like all of that stuff makes my stomach upset and it just doesn't taste that good, or it has too much flavour. Like with really rich chocolate. It has a lot of flavour, not that I like that...
I was watching this cooking show...I think it's called 'Dessert First' and I really love sweets and all...but the episode I watched was about brownies. I LOVE brownies, but I can never eat them all whenever I get them...they're way too filling, but I still like them.
PLAIN brownies. Sheesh, this lady put it with pudding, whipped cream, toffee, peanuts, peanut butter..."orz It sounds like something that would be appetizing but I was surprisingly disgusted. I like my brownies maybe with some chocolate frosting MAYBE...I say maybe because sometimes it does taste good, but sometimes I don't like it at all.
The part that gets me is the eating part. I'm sure it tastes delicious and all...but I can't handle filling foods that much! TT^TT I don't think I would be able to breath after taking a bite. Like when you eat pancakes too fast, you lose your breath. Do you guys ever get that? That's how I usually choke on my I have to eat really really small bits of pancakes.
That's probably why I don't eat as much as some people because I'm paranoid about choking or breathing and all that jazz...
Sorry for talking about food! XD
Umm...main point of this post is just the 100 favourite artists.
Oi! What are your favourite artists! I find other people's preferences on things REALLY interesting! *.* (You don't have to give me 100! XD)