I never knew Berryz Koubou went to Sakura-con...and Berryz Koubou was one of the groups I promised myself would never come to America, and if they did I would see them.
But FREAKING SAKURA-CON! WHY DOES EVERYTHING AWESOME HAVE TO HAPPEN THERE!? TheO meeting, Berryz Koubou, Hanry&Angry debut...*depress* *depress*
Oh, I'll just have to stop wishing to go see a band I like 'cause it'll never happen...>3>
But seriously...why don't these groups come to the South? It's the place with the most weeaboos...by some kinda study that shows most of the people in the South love stuff about Japan or Korea...but they go to the places with a lot of people 'cause there's a lot of people...guhhh...
The South is the place that needs these people to come so that the rest of us can quit being such stick-in-the-muds...hrmmm...not that I'm actually Southern, but still...>3>
I'm still pretty mad about this year's MTAC...where the only jpop bands or whatever weren't popular anywhere and they were one of those kinds of underground bands or garage bands or whatever...and there weren't that many bands, either, even though the theme was music.
I saw some youtube video where the guy said 'the theme was music, and you could tell by everyone singing and dancing everywhere'...that's not because of the theme! When you go to an anime convention you usually don't pay attention to the theme. We were doing that because WE WERE BORED! "orz
I bet if Goto Maki came to America she'd probably go to LA...so I'll never meet her...and I didn't get to meet Saki Shimizu...
I wish I lived in Hawaii since they always seems to go there...it's like an annual thing almost, for them to go to Hawaii..."orz
Okay...I'm done with my ranting.
I've broken my rules several times in a row...'orz
But today I will try and make amends by posting two new pictures and a ton of sketches! >:D Well...just 2 pages of sketches...*shrugs*