Blahhh...I hate you photoshop...;m;

It's nothing about photoshop not's pen pressure is working COMPLETELY fine and I love using it...buuuut...

THE LINES ARE SO UGLY! No, actually, maybe it's that they're NOT ugly that I dislike them. The lines are so smooth and soft...soft...freaking soft...I DON'T WANT SOFT! TT^TT And that's just apart of photoshop's style, I've noticed...

Urgghh...photoshop...I don't like you. I wish I could use SAI...TT^TT It still won't doesn't even have pen pressure on the paint brush, it just has it on the airbrush and the airbrush has the same effect as photoshop's normal paint brush...which kills me because I don't want it soft like an airbrush, I was it hard like an ink pen.

I'll just use traditional...*sigh*..."orz I want smexy lines like these hard lines:

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But I wonder what program they use...hrmmm...

Oh, by the way, that artist I just showed you the artwork of is one my very favourite artists! Here is their fanart website for more artwork:

I love artists who draw Sengoku Basara fanart~! Or I just like Sengoku Basara fanart in general...XD It's mostly because it's original/concept art is soo...avant garde I guess? It's similar to a sumi painting and is almost abstract...It's not that I dislike it, it's just that it rarely ever has clear outlines that I enjoy seeing...

In other news! I've been wanting to talk about this for a while but every time I tried to post it wouldn't work..."orz (Why am I even posting now? 'cause I'm lazy and working on art at the same time! :D)


Guo Pei is an AMAZING fashion designer:

(I give you a video to show you how hard it is to walk in that stuff...also it shows you a lot of the stuff I could show you pictures)

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This one reminds me of Ali Project.

It's amazing how much detail she puts into these and most of this stuff I've never since before! *.*

Every time I have looked at fashion she seemed to be the only one to totally capture my attention.

Also, about that Fantasia thing...I'll work on it on and's not perfect at all right now, but I'm just posting it so you guys can go and start it if you'd like!

