Da Mouth with 4minute

Just a video I found...

I was surprised to even see these two in the same room...XD

This was last year, I think.

Da Mouth needs LOADS...TONS more love! I keep forgetting to listen to them, though...'orz

We have Chung Hua (guy with beard) who is Taiwanese and Japanese.
Harry (blackhair...wait...shouldn't it be blue? Ahhh, I can't tell) who is Taiwanese and Korean.
MC 40 (red hair shaved) who is Canadian and Taiwanese.
And Aisa (girl) who is Japanese.

Aisa's the only member who isn't Taiwanese! O.O I congratulate her on speaking Chinese so fluently!

I've been watching lots of videos of Kpop singers speaking in English, also of Show Luo speaking in English. Show Luo's so funny! XD I mean, his English is just as bad as all the others I looked at, but he's just a funny person.

I'm still suspicious of Niel from Teen Top. I know L.Joe is from California and he's supposed to be the English speaker, but Niel speaks English pretty well, too (from what I've seen) and his names Daniel! O.o; He has the most English name of all of them. But maybe he's Christian or something...O.o;

Woah! I just read somewhere that CNU is older than Jinyoung...I always thought that Jinyoung was older...but they're born in the same year.

Gongchan is liike the most maknae-ish maknae...XD He acts so adorable and childish but he's only one year younger than Sandeul and Baro.


....I say Show Luo when I type but I keep thinking of his Chinese name...and I also keep forgetting his nickname...XD Xiǎo zhū I think it is...Xiǎo zhū....XD Xiǎo zhū means little pig. It has something to do with a pig...

I need to study some more languages...I still haven't done my homework...TT^TT I'm such a bad lazy person...>3>

Let's think about what I've accomplished over the summer.

Several pictures...
Improving some some things...but only slightly...
Started learning Korean, Thai, and Russian...

Not actually anything that I was planning...>3> I mean, everything I was planning I'm still planning. I WILL RIGHT THAT MANGA!...sometime...

I got a new shoujo manga idea from looking through some old OCs...and this one I didn't even know I had. I decided to focus on something that I gave him only has a minor quirk or characteristic. He's afraid of girls, mostly magical girls 'cause he think they're witches. And that's the gist of it! XD It also has an idol girl...'cause idols look like magical girls!

I mean, look at that:

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Oh, I got another semi-bad haircut...I was trying to get BoA's

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But it looks like Kyunhyun's! TT^TT No, actually it looks like this:

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But it looks weird because my head isn't shaped like the girl above...I don't have the same face structure (or good lighting)...O.o; So I look like a boy or like one of those '60's women...which...thinking of it that was isn't so bad...but I'm just glad I'm not going to school liike tomorrow.

My mom needs to learn to lay off the cutting on the bangs. The pictures I had of BoA had her hair in her eyes and even the videos she was watching to help her had the girl with...well, her bangs we so long they completely covered most of her face (not really bangs anymore...but it's much shorter in the back so I dunno what else to call them...O.o;).

But I have school (at least open house) in two more weeks....ermm...not even two more weeks...it's almost next week since this week is basically over...

I don't even know why I'm posting.

Oh! I still have that fake meme meme meme...I dunno what to call it, but I'll post that when I'm done! XD Two posts...two worthless posts...heh...hehe...hehehee...HAAAHAHAHAJHAHAHA (there's a J in there) *maniacal laughter*

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