I have two ideas for a challenge and I'd like to do one more before I start anything on Fantasia...even though the world's already up...XD
Truth with that thing is that I was tired of seeing 'At the movies' 'cause I just realized that some movie critic guy had a TV show like that...I think it was Roger Ebert...and I really don't like Roger Ebert. My reasons...he gave The Green Mile the same score as Antz! TT^TT WHY!? Antz wasn't anything near as good as The Green Mile! ;m; He seems to usually go for the more hollywood, cheesy, campy movies...which is why I don't like him as a critic because what is a criticizing?
He's a mainstream critic who I have no respect for...but the other people on that show are really good and funny! XD They're much more...strict, I guess? Actually, I call it film appreciation because they appreciate it enough to criticize it.
Anyways...*cough* Just gonna...black that whole thing out...Ahemm....
So I have two ideas for a challenge. I don't know what would be more fun, because both of them seem fun for me to look at! XD (Though, one I would like to join...'orz That's usually how it goes with the challenges I create...)
1. Anime Fan - draw somebody who looks like a major/obsessed fan of whatever anime. For instance, somebody who really likes a Skitty (*cough*me*cough*) would wear lots of pink clothes with tons of skitty and pokeball accessories with the same kind of patterns as Skitty and any other details like Skitty. And example of this would be:
(I hope this posts...if not here's a link http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljkchqoyDh1qezpqco1_400.png)
2. Internet world - draw what you imagine the world of the internet to look like and your internet persona. Imagine being inside the internet, what does it look like? How is life in the internet? What are other people like in the internet?
(This one I got the idea from looking at these really popular members on places like DA and stuff. They're popular EVERYWHERE and most people know their names. To me they're liiike...some kind of really high ranked official or something, even if they're not. Like the elite in anime...O.O).
Lately I've been really addicted to Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. Even when I'm not playing it I'm thinking about what I want to do next. Yesterday I played it all day and only 5 days (maybe even less) passed...WHY DOES TIME MOVE SO SLOWLY!? I wish it moved faster...>3> I was glad that it moved slowly before, but now I'm just tired of it...Or why is there so much stuff to do? I never have time to do anything..."orz
I'm trying to get ready for Fall and doing all this stuff...well, not just fall, I just want things to be done. In all the other games I'm much further along, especially in Friends of Mineral Town. Sheesh, I have MILLIONS...No, no, in Harvest Moon DS I have EVERYTHING except the sprites and a wife....Like seriously everything. I have all the buildings at their top level, ALL the buildings, and the maximum of downstairs that I can have in my house with stones of each season for them...so I usually don't farm outside...And I have all these fences and ponds and grass and everything placed in certain places...it's crazy how much stuff I have done in that...
But not enough harvest sprites to save the harvest goddess..."orz
Harvest Moon DS is the most addicting because of the farming and the POKERRR! POKER IS SOOO FUN! Alone...or in games...not in real life...I'd never play in real life because...I dunno how to play in real life! XD
But I don't like the bachelorettes as much...No, wait, I do, but FREAKING KEIRA!! WHY ARE YOU ON THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE MINE!? And I have to go through all that killing of animals just to get her...TT^TT How is it possible!? Why did you do this natsume!? WHY!?
But I don't like Harvest Moon DS Cute as much...'cause it's the same thing, a few different features, but nothing huge...and the bachelors are all ugly (felt the same in A Wonderful Life...why couldn't they have made a new batch?).
I say the best villagers are in Animal Parade/Tree of Tranquility. I love all the characters in those games~! <333
I guess I'll get back to doing nothing...'orz