Haha! Found myself!

For ONE second of a video! 'orz

Me in the middle huddled by my friends and holding my purse. I'm VERY surprised that my eyes are SOOO black...O.o; But how do you get white eyelashes?

I say next year I'm taking pictures AND video and to the video I will add sound effects because sound effects make the world better~! :D Nah...but it's always the sound effects in the video that get me...XD

...I wish I could find a good picture of my ask Piko to show you meh costume...But I'm not very good at posing...Ermm...I mean character posing. Piko was so new. How does he act!? I need to cosplay somebody outgoing and cute just because those kinds of characters are easier to pretend to be! XD

Okay...I'll stop bothering you guys...with such a crappy picture...'orz
