Ouch! I broke my hair!

*cough* No idea for a title!

This week has been very awkward and my head hasn't been working properly...I argued in class (and made a big deal, too) about how a platypus couldn't be a mammal and that fish aren't fish...>3> And turns out I was totally wrong, but I kept pushing my point...And I felt SOOO embarrassed afterwards and I cried and that thought of it...but I'm better now...silly of me to think that way. But I shouldn't be so worried over little things like that, I shouldn't be so concerned what others think, I should always keep positive! >:D

This week was spirit week so I tried to dress up when I could (mostly forgot or gave up on other days). The first day was celebrity day so I dressed up as Natalie Portman (my mom wanted me to be the girl with the dragon tattoo, which I'll get to later in the post, but that would be really weird to dress up as! ;m;) and I got a lot of response from kids, which was a boost of confidence! XD I was worried, since my hair wouldn't fit in a bun and it was falling out, that I'd look stupid, but apparently that wasn't so.

The next two days I didn't dress up and I did on animal day, but I was just wearing some animal patterned clothes since my sewing machine wouldn't work...>3>

I've also realized how little I talk during school...because I have nobody to talk to, or the people I DO talk to I don't have THAT much to say to them...;m;

So that's it of that! XD

Last weekend my family watched the first movie of The Girl in the Dragon Tattoo, which was AWESOME! Well, not that best movie I've ever seen, but it was very entertaining and how movies should be, entertaining and putting you on the edge of your seat, not just throwing violence at you for the heck of it. The characters were pretty realistic (not really people I'd normally meet on the streets, but they were well rounded characters). I thought that it was going to be some violent shoot 'em up action movie, but it was a murder mystery.

It gave me some bad nightmares, so maybe that's why I haven't been thinking as well this week! XD Lack of sleep, not that I feel sleepy...O.o; Despite it giving me nightmares, it was very good. It's just the whole serial killer thing that gets me.

It's not the serial killers like Jason or Freddy Kruger (if they even count) that get me, it's the serial killers that you thought were much more normal than they were and turn out to love doing what they do, with the mental problems. The ones that you felt sympathy for, but then you realize that did not deserve that what-so ever...it freaks me out...;m;

I've very happy right now, though....BECA~USE...IT'S FALL BREAK~! FINALLY~! :D

I was going to go to my friend's house, but my parents don't want to drive tomorrow, so I'm not going, but I'm still going to practice the dance that we were going to learn.

Oh! These are some killer songs I never posted in my music world, just because I forgot about them then, and they weren't very long....XD:

I've loved this song for so long~! Mini has such great music! But I was a tad disappointed by the MV because I thought it'd be more controlled, I guess...O.o; More contrasting with black and bright colours and lights, which it does have, but I was also thinking something more like her Are U Ready MV.

I saw their live of this and didn't know what it was called, then I saw avex upload it and I just thought it was a random add for something TVXQ (they often do that), until I realized it was the actual MV! XD Now I'm TOTALLY in love with this song! It's also that kind of song that you have to have at a certain quality or it'll sound COMPLETELY different. Great, great song. Except their Japanese pronunciations sound kinda funky...XD

I'm ready to do some work over the weekend! >:D I hope to post some pictures on here and to improve my style!

...Wow, I don't have that much stuff to talk about compared to all my other posts...XD

Well, bye-bye!
