I've been INCREDIBLY busy this week and I'm surprised by it. I've only been able to get on theO for about 15 minutes per day..;m; I have a bit more free time today, though. I figured I should post about this...XD
I'm going on a trip tomorrow (right after school...;m;) and I won't be back until Monday (so I get to miss a day of school~! :D Sorta yay~! :D), but because of that I'll probably have a TON of homework still, so I won't be able to get anything done until MONDAY...
But hopefully I can do a lot of stuff on the way there (since we'll be in the car for about 3 days...O.o; I mean, 1 1/2 one day and 1 1/2 the other, the other 1/2 days are for the stuff I'll be doing).
I'm going to a visit VCU on Saturday and then I'm going to my Aunt's wedding on Sunday (terrible day for doing this)...
Then what do I get in the mail? I'm supposed to get an award for my fantastic work or something in doing something....actually, I don't know what I did but the teacher who was associated with it told me that I better go to this meeting thing to get an award because my name is on there 5 times...buut, this meeting thing is SUNDAY....
And my friend wanted me to practice for the dance thingy on Saturday...
Then I have DA requests to finish...and baahh...
Also, I had the PSATs this week and my US History teacher decided finish three chapters of our history book this week so that means a TON TON TON TON TON TON TON of IDs...liiiike 110...in ONE WEEK...So my hand is basically broken (not really...XD) but I had most of my days filled up with writing that...
Then I had a short Anime Club meeting this week, and then next Monday is the first Anime Club day (which is the day I will be absent)...so BLAGH!
Also, for the PSATs, we were supposed to get the practice/review packet, but they didn't give it to the 11th graders until the day before, so none of us really go to review...>3>
I also failed my permit test TWICE, which I'm completely torn up about, but I'm getting over it, because I have to take it tomorrow. I SERIOUSLY do NOT want to drive AT ALL now. I was okay at the beginning, not sure if I wanted to or not, but since I'm such an idiot that I can't answer basic rules and questions right, I don't think I'll be safe on the road...
Gah...such a stressful week...I just want to hop in that car and do something relaxing...only thing I'm looking forward to. I usually am not too bit about family things, but it's 100 times better than my entire time this week so I'd really prefer to go to that...;m; And VCU is exciting~! I wanna see the campus (I love campuses, except for the ones my school took us too...they were private Christian schools, and...REALLY SMALL...O.o; Like it would take me 5 minutes to go from the furthest end to the other end...I like me some biiiig schools).
I heard VCU also has one of the best art departments in the US...so that's interesting...but I still wanna go to Parsons or the School of Visual Arts...;m; But my mom wants me to go to VCU because that's the school she went to and because it's cheaper...
Okay, enough of ranting! XD Kinda in a hurry of how much I can type in such a time, and it turns out when I'm thinking quickly the only thing that comes out are rants...XD
I've run out of things to talk about now...XD I haven't been able to draw anything (except for a turtle with a looong tail) just because of all this madness...;m;
But my feelings right now are fairly neutral.
Heeyyyy, this is random, but there are these awesome glasses that I wear when I get in the car that's amber tinted and when you look through them everything is enhanced in colour. The grass is greener, the sky is bluer, it's BEAUTIFUL~! It's amazing what sunglasses can do! XD
Oh! My friend rounded up some of my other friends to do a cover of Danger by f(x), we're still practicing, but we've just now decided who each person is going to cover. My friend will be Luna (and she kinda looks like Luna), I will be Krystal, my other friend will be Sulli (just because she's the youngest and has the cutest personality), and my other friend with be Victoria (I just realized that she is very similar to Victoria), and then my other friend will be Amber (and it's in agreement that she looks JUST like her and has the same personality and her voice sounds a lot like hers)...
I'm the only odd one out 'cause I don't look anything like Krystal or have anything in common with her...XD But the thing is, my friends keep saying that they need to dress up like each member, but we're supposed to be our own kinds of people, we just chose our people based on the personalities of our personas...I feel like I'll be the only one with a persona, I wish the others would hurry up and make theirs (I'm so interested in other people's made-up characters).
We also got the idea that for anime club we could role play outside, instead of taking forever writing or talking about it, we'll get into action~! >:D That's the only kind of stuff I did when I was little, play make-up! XD I miss those times...*nostalgia* *nostalgia*
I should probably quit talking now...sorry for wasting your time! XD Sorry that it's loong...