Something happened in that title...O.o;
I have returned from my long trip...I mean, it wasn't really that long, it just felt long since we were always in the car.
VCU was very nice. I got to have my portfolio (basically random pictures I scrapped together) critiqued by a nice guy (that my mom seemed to have a problem with) who actually gave my a compliment and said that I drew faces very well (did NOT see that coming), but that I should try drawing the 'context' of the observation....O.o; Not ENTIRELY sure what that means...but I'll try doing whatever I think he said...XD
And then we went to the Communications Art department and IT'S TINY!! What the heck? There are schools with JUST departments for illustration, but this department at VCU was a combination of so many different art departments, yet they have only two floors of a building and together they would make up just one floor of my school...which is really nothing...O.o;
I got really nervous because they asked me about my take on anime and if I liked it...then I kinda just froze because my teachers, and basically everyone who has experience for art colleges has told me how much they look down on that and I shouldn't talk about it...;m; My mom tried to get me to say something, but I don't think she realized why I didn't want to say anything. I said I liked it because of the depth it creates just from a flat 2D drawing...but I guess I would need to understand their take on it for me to explain it, but they were all pretty vague like they were setting me up for something.
The portfolio critic said that I should try staying out of drawing so many faces and stuff like that, and the Communications Art guys said that they would be focusing on that kind of stuff. I was interested in their kinds of lessons, the classic way of drawing supported by digital art, which is all meh thing and they said they'd mainly be working on putting words into pictures and that that's important in comics. So from that I would like to be involved in that department, but still, what do they think of anime...;m;
Then the girl who was (supposed to be) showing us around told us about her trip to Japan and the lady who was asking me about anime was looking at me the entire time like I'm probably interested in or something...I get those looks a lot whenever people mention I'm the Japan person or something, that's the only thing I care about. I care about the rest of the world...>3>
(Woah, this is becoming much of a rant, sorry for the long rambles)
There was another girl there who said she was interested in the graphic arts side of the department and my mom and (?) I dunno who he was, but he didn't really look like her too much, but we talked about the things we had heard from the teachers and our impressions. The girl was a much better talker than I was (I seriously can't talk to new people unless I understand a bit about them...I don't like to brag about myself...;m;), but we both had problems with our pencil drawings and that hers didn't have that much contrast. I have the EXACT SAME PROBLEM and my teacher is ALWAYS telling me that my pictures don't have enough contrast, so I'm glad I'm not the only one (because I seem to be the only one in my class that is ever called out on that).
I won't really get into the other stuff I's kinda boring...not really that much happened besides VCU...XD I mean, I went to a wedding...but it wasn't anything particularly stuck on my mind...
I had a lot more to say, but they just seemed like rambles...XD
I talked to my brother until midnight (1 am their time) last was weird...XD Just talking about random philosophy...he is really into conspiracy theories...O.o; He's also the kind of person to put in obscure vocabulary to make it seem like he knows what he's talking about...I think that majority of the 'smart' kids in my school are like that, so everyone, since they don't understand what he's saying, think he's 'smart' when he's just trying to talk around his confusion.
Gah! I don't wanna talk so much! ;m;
I want to draw something, but I haven't been able to in SUCH a long time...;m;
Oh! But I finally got my mom said my picture looked like I was 12...;orz But I guess that's also a good thing! XD
I'm gonna and try to practice f(x)'s Danger dance so that I have it down perfectly because the thing my friend wants me to go to with her is coming up soon...and I worry I won't be able to practice with I'll try to copy where Krystal goes...without other people.
Oh! Here's some Chemical Love for yeah (Umm...they're called Chemical Pictures...XD):
I like this song and video...but it reminds me of something...maybe just this song...O.o;
Look at the lovely Tenten. I based my OC Klan off of his looks:
I should probably go to bed...sorry for the rambling...;m;