Finally I've made an account on Tumblr and it actually works~! :D FINALLY!

But I have yet to do anything on it...XD Don't have the time...

Oh, yeah! I'm going on a trip tomorrow and I won't get back untiiilll...

School starts...;m;

My school starts the DAY AFTER NEW YEARS! Isn't that ridiculous!? That's ridiculous!! >:[

I mean, really, who's going to go to school right after a family holiday in which most people probably go visit family...for instance, myself...>3>


I'll probably fix meh tumblr up and start postin' crap...when...I'm less busy...

Which hopefully will be when I come back from school 'cause then all I have is art and school work~! :D

'kay~! BYE-BYE~!

Also, leaves you with un bit 'o Maki Goto-ness:

Lovely singing! ;w; (The video is also strangely in 3D...if only I had 3D glasses!! TT^TT)
