Finally got back on the computer (had to fix the internet connection though...;m;)
I really love that new comment feature! 'tis really neat! I get to see how my speech has changed over the years. Seems I never used contractions...XD Maybe I should go back to doing just seems more...interesting, I guess?
Maybe it's a tad awkward, though...XD
I also seemed a bit blunt...saying stuff like 'Eh, I like it, pretty much' or something like that...not too nice sounding...but then again, I probably thought it sounded nice at the time...XD
But I'm liking the new added features.
I celebrated New Years with my cousin's girlfriend's dog on my lap...O.o; Very strange event...I felt kind of bad since I didn't now the lady too well...but the dog kept trying to sleep on me or lie on my lap...It was a adorable...X3
My friend just reminded me at school about new years resolutions...XD Completely forgot about that...
Maybe my resolution is to be more organized, more out-going, more confident, more responsible...
I'm making an after school kind of class for myself...liike extra studying...Every night I'll try to study and take notes over Math, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Japanese History/Cultural stuffs, and Spanish.
I'd like to think of more variety of things, but my mom thinks that's a lot...
I feel bad for only studying those asian countries...the well known asian countries...but I just have more notes of them than I have of other languages...XD
For Spanish I just want to learn more grammar and verbs so I know concrete what I'm saying.
Do you guys have any resolutions for this year?
I usually forget about them...but make on up anyways...XD
Maybe I should focus my resolution on just getting things meh manga...I plan to force myself to write it after school....with a pencil, though, because I thought about writing with a pen (I always write with pen in my notebooks because pencil smudges), but pen this time makes me feel anxious...;m; I might make a mistake...have to rewrite it...gahh...TT^TT
Okay~! BYE BYE!!