Tests...tests...darn tests...

I'm supposed to be studying for a practice ACT test that my teacher will be GRADING (ridiculous, ridiculous) for ACCURACY (most ridiculous, most ridiculous)....;m; But I can't bring myself to study any more than I have...which...I have...but...it doesn't feel like enough, but I can study any more...;m; It's hard to study for the English section.

I have to take the ACTs next week and meet the benchmark on everything so that I don't have to take crappy classes next year...Oh, the pressure! ;m; Why do we have to do all these stupid tests!? TT^TT I really wish we could just LEARN something instead of LEARNING how to TAKE TESTS...

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Yeahhh....so I'm gonna talk about mez painzz...

First off, some family problems which I totally don't talk about...Actually, I won't get into any sad things or things that particularly stirred me up, but just little things that bother me...


I had deadlines to finish meh request pictures for DA users by a certain time, and I didn't make any except one...which I was in the middle of making when I made the deadline so that one wasn't really fair...

And then working on manga...I haven't done any of that...but I know what I want to do...again...can't get myself to do it..."orz

So that's meh painzz...:D

Not sure what I'm gonna do now....wallow in sorrow....

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But with other things, I'm going pretteh fine...

Just...I wish I could get myself to do something...other than make this post...ugghhh..

I'm sure I've said all of this a LOT...'orz

I'll go study now....*sigh*
