Tired of saying 'HUZZAH!'....'orz
ACT TESTS ARE DONE~! :D Now I don't have to worry about them until next testing time~! ....'orz
Tomorrow I have a day off of school (because of sports...fehh...>3>) so that means I have to work really hard on my art projects which will be due next week for my interview...but I have to get them done before then so I can label and frame/mat all of themmm...hard work...hard work...
I'm not sure how much I have and how much I need to get done...but I'll round everything up by Friday...I'm saying.
Okay...shoujo...manga...yes...yes...I need to work on that...eventually...it's in my head...I will work on it...
But then I got another idea for a manga...;orz
But maybe it might just be some fanfics. I was going to call it 'Harem Academy'...(XD) and it'd just be a bunch of short stories about either real celebrities or made up characters...
I kinda want to make it about real celebrities just because I want to draw them anime style...;3;
They're all be romantic comedy stories with little twists here and there...but then that'd mean a lot of work...unless I make them really simple...hrmm...
I really need to get into that manga mindset...I think that's the main problem. I can't get into it...or I'll start and then get worried and end it...but that's because I'm only scraping the surface.
Or I have the all the plans, but then end up being boring.
I really need to write outline-ish story for both of my manga...I did have one for my shounen, but I decided to scrap it 'cause it was boring and a lot of rambling and wouldn't look good drawn.
Maybe I'll write it right now...XD
But before I go I'd like to tell you guys about some new songs/videos I've been watching (AKA distract myself from what I should be doing):
This video...when I first watched it the sound was off and I was like 'That's a really pretty girl'...then I turned on the volume...IT WAS A GUY! Holy crap! THAT GUY IS GORGEOUS! Look at smooth his face is! ;m; Usually I'm not the person getting all depressed and saying that such and such guy is prettier than me...but I really wish I was as pretty as him! ;m;
This song is the shizz:
One of those songs I want to choreograph a dance to but...kinda think it's impossible...O.o; Maybe I will! Before somebody else...>3>
Okay...I'll go write one...
*walks in shame*
Why am I depressed about doing this!? XD