La-li-da~! :D
What's done you say?......J-just stuff for my audition...'orz
Sounded like I finished a manga, nope, nope. Never gonna happen ('not with that attitude' somebody must be saying)
But that's a pretteh big weight off meh chest.
Actually, I just have to label and mat one pic and get a small pic of meself...;w; THAT'S IT~! YUSSS!
And then a bit more of my stress is taken off 'cause my mom bought me a jacket that looks almost EXACTLY like Chie Satonaka's...who I'm cosplaying's just white....I'm going to dye it green and then sew the other bits on, then it'll be fine~! :D
I just have to make her skirt (...ohh...this'll take FOREVER) and then do the details on my Ciel costume and on Chie's costume...
I'm going a third day...I'm not sure who'll I'll dress as...O.o; Maybe I'll come up with something...
Since my Chie jacket is white my brother and my friend both commented that I looked like an Espada from Bleach...XD My friend said I looked just like:
Probably because have the same hairstyle...XD
I'm excited for MTAC~! X3 But there doesn't seem to be any guests that I'm actually interested in seeing...'orz But there are some pretteh good panels that I might want to go to, and maybe I'll get the courage to talk to some artists about commissioning stuff...;m;
My friends and I have decided to randomly dance somewhere...I don't know what to bring for the music, though...;m; (I hope there would be an outlet for me to plug in my laptop...but that'd probably be a stupid thing to do...but everyone else at the counters have their laptops)
I'll talk to them tomorrow about it...XD I'll see if I can make CDs or something...O.o;
Oh, and karaoke! So gonna go to that! I might be shy, but I LOVE KARAOKE to death! *.* I shall overcome any fears of standing in from of people...XD (My fear is STANDING in front of people, not just speaking...XD) I'll just feel ze music! >:D
I'm also in the mood for anime right now since reading the most recent chapters of Seiyuu Ka-! So sweet! Except creepy glasses guy has confessed to us that he is in love with Hime-chan...yes, us, not to Hime...XD I say this without spoilers 'cause it was obvious, it was just in...I dunno what he was in? Was he denying it?
But I don't like him...he's too protective....>3>
I'm gonna try to make more interesting characters, and I HAVE been getting progress on that item manga. As much as giving it a name...which I might change ('cause I just realized one of my 'terms' in the story has the same name....and it has little significance to the story...XD).
Okay, bye-bye~! Gonna go work on some more stuff (like DA requests...'orz)