The most original title, yes. >;D
I'm pumped for video games today!
Finally got all the triforce pieces in Wind Waker, but I got stuck on the grass place...I keep freaking falling off the moving tree parts...;m; In video games I'm not very good I'll go diagonally when I want to go straight...'orz
But gosh! Wind Waker is leik a movie...cartoon-y movie, but still so freaking awesome. The Ganondorf in this one is my favourite 'cause he's just so...'MUAHAHAHAAAH! I'M EVAALLL!!' and stuffs, while still looking all suave. Sure the other games he's basically the same, but in Ocarina he seems really excited all the time and in Twilight Princess he just seems like some god which kinda bores me...'cause if I wanted to battle a god I'd battle a god.
And my brother downloaded Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni for meh~! So I'm playing that....but much reading. I mean, yeah, I do like to read, and I do like visual novels, but I didn't like this in the first place so it's very hard to get in to...;m; The silly shenanigans are boring me...>3> I like games that get right to the point of scariness like 999. That was...intense.
With that game I was all like 'Oh, so it's like some escape game. And oh boy, time for the long boring introductions and OMIGOSH! DON'T DO THAT TO HER! NUUU! Yes, yes, go away...HOLY CRAP! THAT'S DISGUSTING! ;m;'...(and so as to not spoil anything, which, there isn't exactly anything to spoil since it's like the first thing that happens, but still, I wasn't specific on anything) and then I was scared for my life the rest of the game...and I refused to go into the shower room because I didn't want to see the...filthy remains...but I eventually did (to conquer meh fears). That was a good game. Good story, good twists. And lovely SANTA~!
And right now I just played Osu! Taiko in a crazy in...dancing while playing and only doing the extremely hard ones and tapping my computer like a maniac. I actually got a few scored...:D
Yes, yes. Very fun...
But now I want to work on the ONE TIME MY TABLET ISN'T WORKING!?
I don't know it does that doesn't pick up the drivers on my computer. It'll work if I restart my computer, but I don't feel like doing that...'cause it takes a while to start back up...
Just an example of my laziness...I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY need to work on my manga, though.
I'm only on leik page 10 and I need to do 30 more pages...;m; Hisoka-kun was farther off than I thought...;m;
I don't know what I'll do now....hrmm...
Adios~! :D