I was looking at the characters for the new FE game...
Well...I'm definitely going to buy it if I ever get a 3DS and have money when it comes out...
BUUUT...It's not like an FE game AT ALL!
The designs aren't very original...they look cool...but
Time for complaints~! I've numbered them (I was going to write on to them, but it didn't fit, and my handwriting is bad)
1. I assume this is either the main bad guy or just a bad guy that they're showing us. HE LOOKS LIKE A BAD GUY. Not only that he looks LIKE ODA NOBUNAGA!!
Why did they make that decision of all decisions. I mean...look at our past villains:
(Just a few)
So a few of them look like villains. And, yeah, FE, it's pretty easy to tell who's a villain and who's not. But this guy just reeks 'I am a villain'...especially 'I am a villain of a video game' since Oda Nobunaga is almost always a villain...O.o;
2&3. Examples of stuff that WOULD NEVER be in an FE game, but they are...;m; First off, the clothes that the girl is wearing is too ahead of the time setting so it looks awkward. The witch lady...is a witch lady...my gosh, not a mage! WHY DID THEY GIVE HER A POINTY HAT?! Other than that she could have maybe worked well...though I think the colour scheme is also rather typical, her hairstyle is very cool though.
4. IT'S SANTA~! :D When I saw this I thought I really was looking at Santa, then I remember what I was doing...MAYBE this hairstyle is popular but with such a light colour, and also the eyebrows, hairline, and eye colour are all the same. It's like Santa drawn by some other artist.
Also, I made Santa's pic the biggest because I love Santa and Kinu Nishimura's one of my favourite artist...just look at that beautiful design! *3*
5. As you can see I changed colour.
This is Marth (I don't think that's a spoiler...because if it is then I've been spoiled even before the game is released by the website since he says 'I'm Marth' in the voice thing...or something like that). HIS VOICE IS SOOOOO FREAKING ADORABLE! Exactly what I expected from Marth~! His design just makes him cuter...which possibly makes him more of a shota character...O.o;
6, 7, 8, 9, & 10.
These are the only ones out of the MANY characters they showed that fit with the Fire Emblem style...only ones...;m; And they're all in armor...except for the girl.
The rest of the characters look like characters borrowed from other fantasy games.
What bothers me the most is that they're making it more like a Tales of game than a Fire Emblem game. I liked some of the Tales of games, but they've never been anything that I loved just because most of it seemed politically correct and endless fan service.
Nintendo probably wants Fire Emblem to be as popular as those games since FE isn't a hugely popular franchise like Mario or anything...BUT THIS IS A WRONG MOVE!
I still want to play it, but not thinking of it as a Fire Emblem game, thinking of it just any other JRPG.
I do LIKE the designs, though...they're just...not like Fire Emblem and I've seen a lot of them before.
Well, that's the end of my rant.
In other newssssss
This song is SPECTACULAR:
I wonder if you would have had to hear the other songs to understand this completely, but this is sorta a conclusion to those songs, with all the different characters in the background.
If you don't like the song at first IT GETS MUCH BETTER. The lyrics are pretty good, too. The video is interesting because of the art.
Sound Horizon just has such great lyrics and stories~! *3*
Also in other other news...'
Here are my quick opinions. I don't like Michael Phelps because I think people are making too much of a big deal about him. He is not the greatest Olympian ever for getting so many medals. He's a SWIMMER, he has enough opportunities to get that many medals. If he was a gymnast or something, I think that would be much more interesting, but he's not.
Yay for Kohei Uchimura for getting gold~! :D But he needs to shave his armpits. Also, I thought it was totally fair that they inquired on his performance on the pommel horse because I thought it was incredibly ridiculous that people where cheering for no reason (at least no reason that I can think of) while he was on there and he clearly did a hand stand.
MATSUDA~! My brother and I cheered for him 'cause we liked his name...and then he actually did really well! Then I started cheering for Suzuki on the women's swimming and she did well, too...hrmm...
Back at Michael Phelps...I was very happy that Le Clos beat him, but I was even more disappointed that Phelps ignored him when he tried to high five him or something. Phelps was a jerk to him, made me dislike Phelps even more.
And NBC! ARGGHHH FREAKING NBC!! I hate NBC...the commentators constantly make stupid comments (just to talk) and all they care about is Phelps!
When the men's swimming team (USA) won they acted like it was all because of Phelps. PHELPS DID NOTHING. Those other guys gave him a HUMONGOUS lead and they deserve to be gushed about, but no, they skipped over one of the players to talk to Phelps (they went back to him, though, but it was still rude).
Another time, again with swimming, they talked all about this Australian player and then an American player won. AMERICAN. They never talked about him at all, I didn't even know he was there until he was suddenly doing really well. Why didn't they talk about him?
This has happened several times when they have an American player and they don't even talk about them. This is AMERICA, talk about your AMERICAN players.
On the other side of that, in the gymnastics they rarely showed the other competitors. I wanted to see the other countries! ;m; For a time they're only show the other countries if they messed up.
One more thing of this rant about NBC. I know this is America...but they constantly talked about the American players like they were so great and perfect, and then when they weren't they would be 'Oh, they just messed up a tiny bit there', then when somebody from another country does just as bad they bash them. STOP BEING SO BIASED NBC!
Okay, done.
I saw that 10,000 meter race (did I put too many zeroes? How long was that race?! It was 30 minutes time-wise) with Dibaba. HOLY CRAP! I'd like to see her in the men's race! She was AMAZING! Everyone else looked so tired and she looked like, even at the end, that she could go a few more laps around. Her nickname "Baby Faced Destroyer" is VERY fitting because she is really pretty.
Well, well, enough of this ranting....'orz Sorry about that. I got excited! :D