Instead of doing something productive...:D
Since I haven't been posting at all, why not post a very long meme post? :D (Since this will also be very long I'ma choose meh fave OCs)
Choose ten of your original characters in any particular order (NO PEEKING AT THE QUESTIONS AT THIS STAGE!). Then, answer the questions that follow.
1. Klan
2. Abe
3. Kiyoshi
4. Ana
5. Suzume
6. Eita
7. Hisoka
8. Vincent
9. Maiko
10. Poe
1. Number 1 woke you up in the middle of the night?
Me: Oh, crappp...what is it NOW?
Klan: My dear, open your eyes~! We have a a new dress on sale~!
Me: Wh-why would I care during the middle of the night?!
Klan: I may not know this yourself, but you do care if that dress will be on sale.
Me: I don't even know what dress you're talking about.
Klan: But you do want it don't you?
(Klan's clothing company and their great service~! :D)
2. Number 2 asked you to go out with him/her?
Me: things. First, I don't like girls, and second you're a minor, aren't you?
Abe: Yes, true, I was just testing you. You seem very creepy.
Me: Oh-oh...thank you? ;m;
3. Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you're there?
Kiyoshi: Hrm? Don't mind me, just getting some toilet paper!
Kiyoshi: Ah! You've caught me!
Me: *dies*
(One my greater fears, people walking in while I'm going to the's even more painful if they're a very handsome guy...I'd definitely die...
Also, Kiyoshi could possibly be some sort of peeping tom...that is very obviously in there to peek.)
4. Number 4 cooked you dinner?
Me: ;m;...It-it...has no flavor...and I'm pretty sure it's burnt.
Ana: >:[ WHY DON'T YOU TRY COOKING?! Since it's SOOO freaking easy not to burn things.
Me: Hrmm...I think my cooking would turn out the same...>3>
5. Number 5 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping?
My thoughts: Hrmm...shouldn't disturb her...I might be killed if I do. *uses ninja skillz to walk away quietly*
6. Number 8 got into the hospital somehow?
Nurse: Mr.Vincent is suffering from a blunt hit to the groin area.
Me: Oh, my, Vincent, at it again. Did some girl kick him in the balls again?
Nurse: Actually, he was apparently giving another young man a lap dance and--
(I make Vicent look much gayer than he really is...'orz...This is just fun. For all we know he could actually be heterosexual)
7. Number 9 made fun of your friends?
Maiko: They're all out of shape weeaboos who can't work in society. How can you hang out with these weirdos.
Me: YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT B*TCH!! >:- I'ma go Kenpo-style on ya!
Maiko: Hah! As if, do you have any actual training in figthing?!
Me: Un pocito...pero...mi amiga es muy muy fuerta....
Friend: Don't worry, I'll protect you like the wall that I am!
(Ahem...not sure why I was speaking Spanish right thar...but my friend seriously could act like a wall...her arms are ridiculously muscular from swimming. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!!)
8. Number 10 ignored you all the time?
Me: 's okay. I don't need to talk to her. What would she offer me to begin with.
Poe: *trying very hard to ignore*
1. Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will Number 1 do?
Me: Umm...kill me? Isn't he one of the serial killers?!
Klan: Hah! XD You are so very wrong and so very write! I'm serial killer number 3~! :D
Me: I's so scared of Klan! ;m;
2. You're on a vacation with Number 2 and you manage to break your leg. What does Number 2 do?
Abe: Don't worry! I shall use my magical healing powers to fix your broken leg! *puts on Mask of Truth*
Me: ...How is that going to work?
Abe: I was hoping it'd tell me how to fix your broken where's that gossip stone?
Me:...Th-those don't exist!!
3. It's your birthday. What will 3 give you?
Kiyoshi: It's Gackt's newest single~!
Kiyoshi: I thought so! Let's fangirl/boy together in the sunset~!
4. You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does Number 4 do?
We both die from suffocation.
5. You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will Number 5 do?
Suzume: Oh, okay...*returns to DS game*
Me:'re so mean...Actually, your disinterest has caused me to realize that I'm about to do something that will make me feel extremely embarrassed.
6. You're about to marry Number 10. What's Number 6's reaction?
Poe: Oh, I love you so much, your face is so sexy.
Me: Oh, I love you too, you legs are so sexy.
Eita: NO STOP!!
Wedding Guy (what are they called...? They're marriaging the people): Oh! An objection! What is your reason for objecting!
Eita: 'Wakusei Aoshi' I LOVE YOU!!
Me: *tears* I-I love you, too Eita-ku~nn!! ;m; I-I just had to do this for meme!
Eita: Oh, cruel, cruel meme!! *drama* *drama* *llama*
(Hah! XD When I saw this one I couldn't stop laughing...Oh, but I seriously love meh Eita...I mean, he is designed for that)
7. You got dumped by someone. How will Number 7 cheer you up?
Hisoka: *sings a ballad*
Me: ...;m; That doesn't help at all...;m;
Hisoka: Then let's go shopping and I'll do your hair and we can do purikura together!
Me: Y-you seem very excited by all makes me think that this was all your evil plan...>:0
(Probably was.)
8. You're angry about it afterwards, how does Number 8 calm you down?
(Hey, meme, how'd you know? :D)
Vincent: Omigosh! What a jerk!
Me: I knoww...;3;
Vincent: Y'know what this situation calls for? Shopping, salon, and purikura!
Me: YEAH!! >:D *is cheered up*
9. You compete in some tournament. How does Number 9 support you?
Maiko: Yeah! You can do it! I believe in you! You broke pinky bone, I bet you could definitely break those other guy's pinky bones! I respect your fighting style.
Me: After so many months of negative vibes between us, you finally concede respect for me....;m; How wonderful! I will do my best!
*dramatic/emotional scene*
10. You can't stop laughing. What will Number 10 do?
Me: OHOHOHOHOHOHOHH~! (This is not how I laugh.)
Poe: *smothers will pillow*
Me: *dies from suffocation*
1. Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of.
Me: Umgah...umgah...Klan's gonna kill me and murder me in unspeakable ways...;m; I can't sleep...wait...I am...UGH! WAKE ME! WAKE ME! NUUUU!! On the other side of things, he's quite attractive while he does all this...:D
2. Number 2 tells you about his/her deeply hidden love for Number 9. Your reaction?
Me: Listen kid, I like older women just as every little girl does, but that's not actual love, that's just some sort of secret desire to have an older sister.
Abe: Buh-buh...Nooo! I love heerrrr!! ;m;
(Sheesh, Abe, why you so lesbo?)
3. You're dating Number 3 and introduce him/her to your parents. Will they get along?
Kiyoshi: Hello parents, it's very nice to meet you, please treat me well.
Parents: Ah, he's so polite and has nice hair. Good catch, good catch.
Me: Chyah, I knoww! :D
Parents: I didn't think you could do it, but you did it.
Kiyoshi: *has no clue what they're saying since he doesn't speak English* *awkardness*
4. Number 4 loves Number 9 as well. What does that mean?
Me: That my characters are lesbians.
5. Number 6 appears to be a player, he/she breaks many hearts. What do you do?
Me: Uh, uh...No! LIES! LIESSS! TT^TT *heart=now broken*
Eita: Don't listen to this evil meme, baby!
Me: Ugh, but it is so meeeaannn....;m;
(Seriously meme, seriously...;m; My heart would break if Eita turned out to be a that I think about it, he kinda is, but he doesn't entirely break girls' hearts, maybe, just very softly and kindly...O.o;)
6. You had a haircut and Number 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind?
My thoughts: Oh no, he obviously hates my hair cut! ;m;
Hisoka: What an ugly hair cut, I could do 100 times better than. What a cheapo...>.>
7. Number 8 thinks he’ll/she'll never get a boyfriend. What will you tell
Me: Well, not with that groin you're not.
8. Number 9 is too shy to face you and confesses their love by sending you an e-mail. Now what?
Me: *is somehow very touched* REJECTED! OHOHOHO~! :D Sweet rejection~! >:D
(Why is this meme making my girls lesbos!? Although, I must confess, that I am making my male OCs very gay...)
1. Could Number 1 and Number 6 be soul mates?
What I think on the outside: No, Eita is mine.
What I really think: Definitely. I could totally see it.
2. Would Number 2 trust Number 5?
Abe: No, she's always playing her video games, isolated from society and any type of human communication.
Suzume: But you could trust me with any secrets. Think of it as talking to a wall. (Says it so confidently...)
3. Number 3 wants to go shopping, will Number 7 come along?
Hisoka: Omgash, best frand! We gots'ta go~!
Kiyoshi: I know guurll~! This gonna be so funnn~!
(...Sorry for the random dialogue...But I think these two would be the best of friends...XD)
4. Number 4 is bored and pokes Number 10. What happens after that?
Poe: *whirlwind of darkness* YOU DARE TOUCH THE MIGHTY WITCH POE?!
Ana: Yes. What are you going to do about it?
Poe:...Nothing...just don't do it again.
Ana: Or else what?
5. Number 5 and Number 1 are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick?
Klan & Suzume: Quantum Physics
(Because it just makes sense.)
6. If Number 6 and Number 3 cooked dinner, what would they make?
A Fantabulous Dinner~!
Kiyoshi: It must be made to perfection!
Eita: Down to every detail, it must look like a product of a 5 star restaurant!
Kiyoshi: This is the duty of the princes!
In other words: RICE~!
7. Number 7 and Number 9 apply for a job. What job?
Maiko: In such a competitive industry...I will definitely get this job over you!
Hisoka: There is no way. There are certain skills that a guy has that you definitely lack.
They work at: McDonald's~! :D
8. Number 8 gives Number 5 a haircut. Is that okay?
Vincent: She needed a hair cut so badly, it was so retro!
Me:'s just a simple buzz cut....WHY?! HER BEAUTIFUL HAIR! ;m;
9. Number 9 sketches what Number 6's perfect girlfriend should look like.
(Meme, quit trying to take Eita away from me...>:[)
10. Number 10 and Number 8 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about?
They're comparing penis sizes. Oh, wait! Don't tell them that Poe's a girl! :D (Can't really think of anything they'd be blushing about)
SORRY FOR THE RANDOMNESS~! I'm very tired and dizzy...I had a long day...long trip...;orz