My Computer Formatted Itself! O.O

Let's make a list of what's been going on~! :D

-My Computer Formatted Itself
- Basically, I lost all my files
- And for some reason I lost my operating system
- Somehow
- Wasted $75 just to be told that operating system was missing
- Which the computer tells you when you turn it on anyway
- My brother installed Linux
- I actually really love it
- But I don't have SAI
- And it's killing me
- Nor do I have photoshop
- I threw a fit about this 3 nights in a row and finally my mom kicked me out of the car as we were driving
- My relationship with my mom is kinda wavering
- I don't know what was wrong with my computer in the first place
- But my brother thinks it has something to do with the bettery
- Whatever that means

- I have a Spanish Project
- Due Monday
- But I begged my teacher to give us until Tuesday
- And she gave us until Wednesday
- Because of all this computer stuff
- And I'm animating it
- It won't be nice animation or anything...XD
- This has been a very stressful week

- I have 3 books I have to read...;m;
- But today I got to read The Three Musketeers...I loved it so much even though I only read the first chapter
- I have to read Pride and Prejudice for Academic Team
- I have to take notes over an Ibsen collection book thingggyyyy
- I have to read The Kite Runner for AP Lit.
- As depressing as The Kite Runner is, I really like it
- Maybe because I like stories that take place in deserts
- Or what in my mind looks like a desert
- For the longest time I imagined The Count of Monte Cristo to take place in some Middle Eastern Nation
- Even though France is fairly forest-y and Italy is no desert

- I love deserts~! <333

...I've ran out of things to say...XD

That's what's been up, yo....

ADIOS~! Gonna do more customization~! >:D
