Spanish Project Finally finished! ;m;

Whiiichhhh I'm not gonna show yaz 'cause I'm gonna delete it eventually, anyweyyzzz...but meh mom is telling my grandma to watch and all these peoplezzz....WAI?! ;m;

It's not that great. It's the best we could do in 4 days...'cause me lappy-topu crashed..

'nyway, I thought I'd share meh first pic on the program Krita:

It's not a TERRIBLE program, I just still prefer SAI...>3>

It's a picture of Tegoshi Yuya 'cause I just watched that episode of Itte-Q where he went to Austria and did the skii pond drop thingy...He's so talented! ;A;


Well, I gotsa'ta go...;3; ADIOS!! (VERY SHORT POST)
